
Should I keep our cistern?

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While tearing out old cement around our 150 year old house we found a cistern. It was closed off with a HUGE slab of concrete and has probably been covered for 60 years or so. I have not yet been able to remove or destroy the masive block of cement cement covering it so i do not know the real condition of the cistern but it looks (using the digital Camera) like it's pretty well kept.

My question is this: Is there any use now-a-day to keep this cistern or is it safer just to fill it in? If there is no practical use I will fill it in but I am still coming across websites on how to build them so maybe there is something practical, if not historical to keep it.






  1. Seems like it would be great for storing water for the garden in case of drought.  I have a rain barrel and wish I had a 100 of them.  I don't know what safety or maintenance issues you might have.

  2. If you live anywhere in a wildfire danger zone, you could fill build your own fire protection system - fill it with water, add a gasoline powered pump, get an appropriate sized fire hose and you're ready to defend your house (or die trying!).

    I have a friend who is a former firefighter and that's what he's done with his property in California.

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