
Should I keep the child I'm pregnant with when I already have 6 year son?

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Should I keep the child I'm pregnant with when I already have 6 year son?




  1. Yes. Murdering is never a good path to take in life. You should keep your children, both of them.

  2. Yeah keep the baby so when you visit me..I can help you take care of her/him..

  3. of course. your 6 year old will be a happier kid.

  4. of course! the new baby will bring so much joy to your family :) your son will love it also

  5. Doesn't sound like your ready for another one, but if you're already pregnant then why not keep it.

  6. what's wrong with having two kids? don't ruin its life with abortion or make it miss out on life with you with adoption, if you can't handle the stress of having two kids, you shouldn't have created it

  7. Why wouldn't you?  Why would you keep one child and give up the other?  That makes no sense.

  8. Why would you give up a child because you already have one? If you didnt want another baby why did you not take measures to not get pregnant? It is possible to have more then one child. I have 2 daughters and we are trying for number 3? I can be done!!!

  9. what kinda sick question is that? Did YOUR mom ask that same stupid question to strangers online who are curtainly going to say no for their stupidity and humor? Thats like you choosing  wether to go to h**l for taking an unborn life away, or raising it JUST so u can take your selfishness *** to heven. Just asking that question shows how much of a irresponsible mother u are. I bet u wouldn't even have cared for it if it was born, if u didn't waunt a child in the first place than u should have kept your cuch tight!!!!!

  10. Yes, I believe you should.

  11. Thats horrible of course you keep the child! What kind of mother are you?  What kind of influence are you giving to your son? Obviously not a good one.

  12. Yes you should....Please dont kill an innocent child

  13. its best two have more than one child. mare kids,more love, more happiness

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