
Should I keep trying to contact this old friend/colleague?

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It's not very often that I meet someone I really connect with, but about 6 months ago I had a friend at work that I really got along with. We had a lot of fun working together and called each other a few times as well. We both quit at about the same time, and talked about getting together afterward, but I ended up moving to a different city.

After I moved, I sent her a card asking how she was doing. I gave her my address, phone number, and email but I never heard anything back.

I don't know anyone in my new city, and I just keep thinking about how we got along so well. Should I try again to contact her and see if she still wants to be friends? Or should I assume she wasn't interested with the first attempt, and give up?




  1. I suggest to give it one more try. Maybe they no longer live there or never received your card.

  2. mybe she didn't get the card? try again, if she still doesn't reply then u shld stop sending her also have to remember that some people are really bad at keeping in contact with ppl when they can't physically see, just try it one more time and try not to come off as needy in the letter, just give her your email and phone number, not your adress..she can then call or send u an email and you can meet up at a coffee shop or something...

    good luck

  3. Never assume, and never give up. :)

    You never know, she could have moved as well, or perhaps she's just extremely busy with a personal matter, or something!

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