
Should I keep trying to keep in touch with a old employer?

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Hello! This may sound really stupid. I worked for this employer 2 years ago I had to quit because I needed to stay home with my 2 kids. My old coworkers were like a family to me we have kept in contact. My old boss sent me letters and I would go into the office every few months so they can see the kids (we were really close) she bought my kids presents etc. But now I have tried to contact my old boss and she does not talk to me anymore. My old coworkers say she has had computer problems but I do not think that is the case because she always e-mailed me right back (she would not let e-mails go for months and the letter I received recently was very professional instead of personal. I am thinking now that I should not try anymore. The other coworkers that have quit she still talks to them. I have no idea what I did. Do you think I should keep trying to contact her or just drop it?




  1. Drop it, people come into our lives for a reason and it might have been for you or her. But now it's over let it go and find some new friends.

  2. Dear Old Employee:

    I don't think you've done anything.  People are "fickle" like this--especially from work.  If you have decided to concentrate on your family matters, concentrate on the family.  Most people promise to stay in touch after work relationships are over and I am certain less than 1/2 really go on to maintain the closeness they once had while in the actual work environment.

    What are your future plans?  Are you looking to begin a home based business, take some night classes?  Look to other positive outlets.  Your children will grow rapidly, enjoy them!  I believe looking for those we used to work with or for sends mixed signals to old co-workers that our lives are empty--this is not the case.

    Around the holidays when everyone is feeling festive-drop them a card and wish everyone well--and include her name among the others--not separate--and see if it will elicit a response.  But right now, you have way too much on your plate to be focused on this.

    Best wishes!  

  3. I say contact the best way you can ...but explain how much she means to you and how your relationship w/her encourages your heart.

    Maybe she heard a false rumor about you or she is influenced by some outside matter. Give her the benefit of the doubt and give yourself the peace of knowing you did all you could to keep it (relationship) alive.

    Good Luck!

    "People Do Care"

  4. I try not to chase my past.  Perhaps it's time to move on to new friendships.  You can always use another old coworker for a reference if you decide to go back to work.  


  5. Drop it and move on with your life.  Be sure and keep contact with the other coworkers though since networking helps if you are ever looking for another job.

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