
Should I keep writing my poems and should I be a poet?

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well I manly write love poems and I think some of them suck and well idk if i should keep writing them or just quit and try writing somethin else well idk im going to see wat you all think of them so here they are

I love you peom

I love you

but you dont love me

you love her

and so on

I was there for you

and know you are there

for her

you will be by her side

and not mine

you will help her

like you helped me

you will make her laugh and then

you will make her cry

like when you broke my heart

you will do the same to her

but may be worse

you will say you are sorry and then move on

then soon you will find another one

then do the same to her

till you find the right one

just remeber that I will always love you

forever and always

I am scared

I am scared

I am scared of the dark

I am scared to lose my parents

I am scared to die

I am scared to lose my friends

I am scared to lose my family

I am scared my pets will die

but hey they will some day

I am scared that I will have no one

I am scared to watch a scary movie by myself

I am scared to say goodbye to the ones I love

But I am not scared to lose you

Because you say goodbye

and moved on and

I loved you and you loved me

so I say goodbye now and will not return

so goodbye for now and forever

I have always liked you

When we were friends

you always made me laugh

I told you one day that I liked you

and you just smiled

I told you why I liked you

you did not say anything

when I think about you

I smile and wounder

what your doing

sometimes I wounder if you like

me but you kept it to your self

you wrote in my yearbook

saying hope to see you next year

you moved and we have non each other

since 2nd grade all the to 5th

I have allways liked you and even though

every one made fun og me for liking you

you did not say a word except I know

she told me

me and you were close and I have always

wanted to tell you that

I love you

but I wont beable to tell you cause

you left before I was going to tell

you and maybe someday someway

you just might give me a chance

if we meet again someday

I like you for who you are

I like you cause

your funny,sweet,


I like your



people can

say different

things about

me going

out with you

but I don't

care I

fallow my

heart so



that I like

you for who

you are and

that there

will always be

a specail

place in my

heart just for


This is why im crushed

when I talk to you

my heart starts to pound

when we are on the phone

I just want to scream

and say

you want to know

why I am crushed

I am crushed

cause I sit here

and listen to you

talk about a girl you

like so much

and to me

it hurts I try to

tell you that it hurts but

you just get all the hints

I give you

but you dont get them

so I just sit there and listen to

you talk about her

and you ask me to call her

and I tell you no

cause you say you will

go out with her and

after a while of listening

to you talk about her I

will soon for get about you

and I will always have a

special place in my heart

for you

When I asked you out

I asked you about four times

you said that tonight would

not be a good night

I wrote you a note

and you thought it

was trash so you threw it way

I asked you again by note and

you said that a friend took

it so you were not able to read it so

when you called I anwsered

and you asked me what my

impotant question was

and I said I have asked this

you this question before

and you said if it is if

we could go out then

right now is not a good

time then I hung the

phone up and said to

myself that if you do

not truly like me as

I like you then why do you say you

do and so I sit here woundering

if you like me in the same

way and wounder

when you would ask me

out since I can not

ask you since you are so everly

busy that I might

have to move on

wich that might be hard for

me since I realy like you and

if you truly like me then you

might want to hury and ask

me out soon before I loose

all interst in you and ask

someone else out and not

you and even though

everyone is telling me

to forget you but I am

following my heart not my friends

I will like you for a little longer and then you

will make me loose all interst so

I will forget about you and move on

I like you a lot and you said that

you like me in that very same way

but I cant seem to say you do

because you always say that

tonight or today is not

a good time and it gets anoying and

I dont want to push you way

all I want to know is if you realy

like me in the boyfriend girlfriend way

and go out

When I saw you

When I saw you

my heart started to pound

I had a crush on you

then you asked me out and

I said yes

we would talk about nothing

for hours on the phone

When I look into your eyes

I would daydream that we

were danceing hand and hand

then I would hear your

sweet voice that could put

me under a spell and stay

with you forever

I said I will aways be yours

till you brake my heart

then do the same to the

next girl you find

but may be worse

you will do it to all the

girls you find till you find the

right one and you will forget

all the girls you dated

but I will remember you

and I will aways and forever


well just tell me wat you think and well idk i guess if there is alot of people telling me to stay writing poems and become a poet then i will


Thank you in advanice

i started to write my poems in 7th grade

i am 13 and i will be goin to 8th grade soon so pleaz

should i keep writing my poems or no




  1. wow for a thirteen yr old ur really good!

    i just write it for school but ur poetry seems deeper than that haha

    definalty keep writing

    ur good at it and its definalty going to be a good venting system for you in the future

    teens deal with ALOT of sh*t

  2. At your age the sky is the limit...poetry is an art form and takes time to you continue in school and life your poetry will develop. What you have as an awesome start. Good Luck!

  3. Your poems are quite good. But you do have a few spelling mistakes.

    I smile and wounder should be I smile and wonder.

    what your doing should be what you're doing

    every one made fun og me for liking you should be every one made fun of me for liking you

    Good Luck and I hope you continue to write poems if your heart is still in it.

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