
Should I kiss the Blarney Stone?

by Guest32748  |  earlier

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I heard that it would be stupid to kiss the Blarney Stone because drunken Irishmen like to pee on it so that when tourists like myself kiss it, they can get a laugh out of it. Is this true?

I'll be in Ireland from March 9-16 and am wondering what the weather will be like.




  1. Only the tourists p**s on it. The Irish would not go to the trouble of scaling all those steps just for a pee. Please ensure you wipe it after kissing it. Rain Rain & more Rain.

  2. Now for a sensible answer! ...............perhaps

    The Blarney Stone is high in the battlements, the back of a medieval Karzi with a 150' drop beneath it.

    So  the guide hangs on to your legs and some other opportunist takes your photo.( short skirts not recommended)

    I would'nt worry about being poisoned

    Still, if it gives you the gift of the gab!!

    have a good trip.


  3. yes it's true! At least that's what the irish told me when I was there.

  4. Yes Go for it and enjoy Ireland I know I did

    the Weather in March will be Cool but not real Cold

  5. aye,i know Blarney well...he loves gettin his stones kissed

  6. Don't eat yellow snow.

  7. This might be the best question I have seen in ages.  There was a mall right next to the Stone if I remember correctly.  We had to go up some stairs but my wife and I had no desire to kiss it for the same reason you listed.  Also you never know who has a cold or not and when you are sick traveling is no fun.  Find a person to kiss instead.

  8. Hi. I'm from Cork which is a few miles from Blarney. The Blarney Stone is at the very top of a castle in the village of Blarney. Please believe me when I tell you that NOBODY is allowed to p!ss on the Blarney Stone! It's surrounded by keepers of the castle at all times and I'm fairly sure that its locked securely at night. This is a world famous tourist spot. They take good care of it. Trust me. Don't forget to visit The Blarney Wooden Mills which is across the road from the castle. Another popular tourist spot. And try to see Cork City while you're at it.

    The only p!ssing you will probably see will be from the sky. It may be raining when you get there. Ireland is not the sunniest of countries!

    Enjoy your stay.

    Cead Mile Failte (Irish for 100,000 welcomes)

    Have a good one!

  9. Is he good looking?

  10. Yes you have to kiss it just wash your lips off after my sister got the flu from kissing it lol! Its just a once in a lifetime chance just don't tongue it lol! ha ha j/k

  11. go for it.. no tongues tho

  12. kiss it it gives you the gift of the gab or so they say

  13. eh why not, you only live once.

  14. If you're going to be there you have to kiss the blarney stone. When you get there you will see that it would be pretty difficult for drunken Irishmen to pee on it - their just feeding you blarney... ;)

  15. not true

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