
Should I know give him space and let him contact me?

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I have been friends with this guy for about 2 years, but only very close friends for the past 8 months. He has been going through some very rough times with his wife for the past year and yesterday when we talked he was very down, the cops had been called the night before due to an argument and once they left the two of them continued to argue and pretty much decided it was over and to file for divorce. I know this hurts him and as much as they have been through and are not right for each other he loves her. After we got off I wanted to send him a message just letting him know he has my support, so I sent the following message:

“I am very sorry to hear what happened. I know your heart must be hurting right now and there is nothing I can say to make things better but I’m always here to listen or help if I can. I consider you a great friend and care for you as family. What you are going thru and feeling I can’t know but I care deeply and hope that whatever you want from this situation is exactly how things turn out. Stay strong and never doubt the man that you are.”

If you were going through a similar situation would you want to get a message like this? Part of me did not expect a response as I know he is very down and dealing with a lot, however an hour later he did respond and said

“you so just did say the right words I thank you so much and I also care so much about you too”

We have a tradition to text each morning to say hi and have a nice day, however, do you think I should just give him space for a few days to deal with all this? I am thinking that might be best but also don't want him to feel I stopped what we normally do. Please tell me what you think.




  1. keep your tradition.

    i am sure he enjoys seeing that someone just said hi. you are his friend, why stop?

    but if you care for him in a more intimate way, i would lay off those particular feelings for now.  

  2. i wish i had a friend like you! don't stop! be sportive

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