
Should I lay a complaint?

by  |  earlier

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Today after work around 4pm my husband and some friends were fixing a dirt bike and took it for a spin up the driveway to test it (we live in the country) which resulted in the neighbour storming over and shouting,swearing etc.. at us cos the noise was scaring his birds. After a bit of heated discussion from both parties, and threatening to call the police if we continued to ride the motorbike, i told him to go ahead because we werent doing n e thing wrong.. HE then pointed his finger at me and said " you want a war, i will give you a war, i have a rifle, and im not scared to use it" ?? Is that a threat worth taking to the police.. hes probably all talk, but still, I had my 5 and 2 year old sons with me at the time, we werent doing anything against the law etc.. why threaten to bring out a gun.. just wanna know what people think




  1. I think you should probably let the police know about the threat so they can maybe talk to him. Its a bit scary knowing your neighbor has a gun and wants to use it, especially when your kids are there. But if he does have a gun, you probably dont wanna get on his bad side... but I guess you already are so... go for it.

  2. I will file a complaint with the police because you were in your house during hours of the day permitted to use the dirt bike.  No one has a right to threaten you with any bodily harm with a firearm specially in front of children.  What you neighbor should have done is negotiate a time with you for him to do bird watching and for your kids to be able to use the dirt bike.  I understand the dirt bikes are noisy and there are places that you can go to use it away from any neighbors.  Check in your area is there is such place.  This happened to me with a neighbor several times and I filed a police complaint all those times.  I took him to court and since the neighbor was a renter, the police talked to the owner and the renter moved.  You need to protect yourself and your children.

  3. Yes you could complain to the cops and get them write up a report about the incident. I would suggest to try to compromise with the neighbor and ask him what would be an acceptable time and time frame for him when he could tolerate the noise and what would be acceptable for you guy. Perhaps when he is not home. Things can get out of control very easily especially with the type of neighbor you are describing. Things should have never escalated to this level. Try to think with his head and try to find a solution.

  4. Technically, your neighbor uttered a threat and could be charged with the offense.



  5. Contact the local PD and file a complaint...Atleast get this put on dont have to file charges, but get it put of record.

  6. I think if you hadn't antagonized him in the first place then you could have avoided all this. You must have known how noisy you were and obviously it was loud enough for him to be upset. Living next to people like you is a pain and I justify saying that because for him to react so much, he really must have been very upset and you should just try and see it from his side. Would he really have complained if he had no reason to?

    [update] Yes, the gun threat was unwarranted of course, but no doubt said in the heat of the moment. If you never complained about his birds making noise, then he probably never knew they disturbed you. This sudden engine noise probably did scare the c**p out of his birds and he would rightly be upset. I'm just trying to say that you should put yourself in his shoes just to feel how he reacted. Wars with neighbors are uncomfortable, I know from experience, and he probably felt threatened by your family and reacted in this way.

    Sure, you can say, oh my house, my property, my bike, I have the right to make noise if I want and who the h**l cares if others are upset. That's what I don't like here.

  7. I think you've already answered your question really.  Any threat is worth taking to the police; he's told you he has a gun and he has a means to use it.  If he was blowing hot air, fine, but why take the risk?  Maybe he is serious, is that worth not doing anything about it?  If you do nothing about it he's just going to think "I showed them", who knows, next time he might actually have the gun when he storms over.

    In the meantime, have the police give him notice that he is not to enter your property at any time.  Or go through the motions of a restraining order.  Check what the noise bylaws are in your area if/when you do call so you know what you are allowed to do but I should be able to freely use the bike on your property unless it's late at night.  Whether you were on the bike for a minute or an hour shouldn't make any difference.  It's your property, what happens later when your kids make noise as young boys?

    Any normal person is not going to threaten to use a gun in front of a 5 year old because some birds were scared off.  I would file the complaint if it were me.

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