
Should I leave him alone?

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I met this dude a few days ago and he asked me out the day after we met. He`s very into my appearance and his friends are too, and he asked to kiss me about five minutes after we met (I said no). So far (it`s only been 5 days), he`s only come over after seven and then stays for as long as he can, and we don`t spend more than half an hour on the phone together. I asked him to come over at an earlier time in the future, and he said that he`d try but he`s busy in the day time and he might not be able to come over when the sun is up everyday.

He lives in a rough area, isn't quite interested in legal activities and has a few friends that I don`t really like. Two of my cousins who have had brief run-ins with him before say he`s trifling, but I`m not sure that I can trust their judgment. Other than that, he`s cute, nice, more than willing to buy me stuff and pretty respectful. But I`m not sure if I can trust him, because he seem kinda iffy to me. I`m not a fan of being heart-broken and getting played because I don`t like to unleash my emotions, but it MIGHT be worth it. What should I do?




  1. Always listen to your intuition, that's the voice inside telling you what you need to know - the one that said to you "he seem kinda iffy to me" that's the one you listen to, it never lies.  Run girl, run, move on, set your standards a bit higher and when in doubt, don't have s*x.  Nobody ever died from waiting for it!!!

    He has friends yu don't like, not good. He not into legal activities, really not good. Word is he's bad news on a lot of levels.  What more do you need to know.  Heartbreak is the least of your potential problems.  Run away and leave him de h**l alone!

  2. Angels love bad men, the clever ones dont!

    I think you should get out now if you can,  

  3. It seems to me you already know the answer deep down...

    If it were me...I would back off...

  4. Listen to your cousins, it is better to be safe then sorry!  

  5. I say give him a chance. He might have a good reason he can't come over earlier, he likes you and understood when you said no to a kiss, shows affection by buying you gifts, etc. Maybe he needs someone to show him your type of life. Go for it, but keep an eye open.

  6. wow hard question. I am a guy myself and if I am to busy to see a GIRL (get it...a teenagers mind is stuck on this) then I am either playing games,grounded or doing something wrong.

    I would suggest finding out whats he is doing (though a normal conversation and trick him into telling you; note: it's not that hard) and then figuring out what you wanna do.

  7. Well the first clue- he only been coming over after 7- why? And if he is very superficial than you know what's next, he'll be asking you for s*x. If you haven't already given it up. I wouldn't trust him either. Get rid of him girl and move on. Just because he is cute doesn't mean nothing those are the ones who will break your heart.

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