
Should I leave my blisters on my feet alone?

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Yesterday, I went to a concert and we did lots of walking and I have REALLY BAD blisters.. there are at least 7..

my mom said to put ointment in it so yeah. have any idea when it will be better?




  1. Leave your blisters alone, put band aids on them if you want..  

  2. They will get better in a few days, but the skin where they were will be different for up to a month

  3. take a few days just soak your feet in salty water it dose help them heel

  4. Folks always say don't pop them but if the liquid is drained, they'll heal a lot faster.

    Get a sewing needle and clean it with alcohol.  Then dip it into antibiotic ointment and at the very edge of the blister, stick it into the blister.  Press the blister with a kleenex until it's drained.  Apply antibiotic ointment and a tight bandaid (in an effort to keep the blister from re-filling with fluid).  Use the ointment for 1-2 days, then stop it so the skin can dry.  Use bandaids until you're comfortable going without them.  Over the next few weeks the dry skin will start to come off.

  5. Well I wore new shoes (flats) to school the first day and got bad blisters on my ankles, I tried to just wait them out and see if they would go away but that didn't work. So I put band-aids over the blisters and wore comfortable shoes, such as tennis shoes, or open shoes that didn't touch the blisters, such as flip-flops. Hope this helps! Good luck!! :D

  6. u could pop them or just leave them alone

  7. leave them alone, if u pop them they will stings a lot. it hurts!!! so wait.

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