
Should I leave my husband who loves me but can not make me pregnant?

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I really want a baby, but he can not accept donation or other ways. I am not sure if I love him, but I will feel very guilty if I leave a man who has been so good to me. I am hesitating and confusing, should I choose him or a baby with someone else.

He provides me secure and good material life and looks after me well. he is much older than me. of course I have got a not bad job and can be in dependent.




  1. Shame on you for marrying a man you weren't sure you loved. You married him because he "provides me secure and good material life." And those are the wrong reasons. Poor man and poor you... that's why the divorce rate is so high. People aren't marrying for the right reasons.

    And now that you've married the old goon, you want a baby and he can't give it to you. Well you don't love him and you want a kid, divorce him. What else can I say?

    I could tell you to adopt or to see about sperm donors, but you're not even in love so what's the use?

    Stop being lazy, get a job, and tell your husband the truth, you're not in love and you've figured out you want a younger man who can give you kids.

    And make better choices in your next marriage, if you desire to remarry... please for marriage's sake!  

  2. It is not a solution to leave a man JUST because he couldn't get you pregnant. Something like thats is just REALLY unfair to your husband. Although i am not good with this kind of thing since i am still quite young. If its me, i will feel really guilty because of it.

    You really should sit down and have a long talk with you husband how whats in your mind and how much you wants to be a mother. If he loves you, he will HAVE to accept donations. Also, adoption is not really a bad thing.

    He should not be selfish for not letting you have what you wants also. Just talk it out with your husband.

  3. Quite apart from the pregnancy issue, should you be having a baby with someone you're not sure you love?  Is that the kind of environment to bring up children in? You say you husband provides you with material security.  While this may be important, is it enough to raise a family on?  

    It would be difficult for your husband if you left him, but he has a choice to accept a donation or another way, so his future is really up to him.  

  4. You should considered adopting a baby their is allot of babies in need of a home or if you don't want to adopt one you should really tell your husband what you feel and that you are confused. Just so that you know probably your husband doesn't want a baby from someone else man and you probably do not one a baby from some other woman and you have to understand that if is that way you guys have the same feelings. Is hard to find a good man but if you live him and then regret you are really going to make him feel less of a man and really unhappy. I have a aunt that had the same problem and she decided to adopt one. i think that was the best decision she could make because the biological mom of the baby didn't loved at all the baby because she used to drink alcohol and put really ting clothing so she would lose the baby. Now the baby has 5 years old and she is a sweet hearth.

  5. The worst reason to marry someone is the financial security, the other one is because you feel guilty and he takes care of you  somehow you don't love him.

    you have better reasons to open up with him and start filling  out the divorce .be honest with him, you owe him that.

  6. Sit him down and explain how very much you want to be a mother.

    Tell him his options - Sperm doner, IVF, Adoption etc.

    If he point blank refuses then tell him you are considering leaving him.

    Once he knows you're thinking about leaving him he might change his mind on the situation or be more open minded about it!

    Good luck!!  

  7. First off, why would you marry someone you claim now you are unsure of your love for him? Just because he can't have children??? You are confused. No, you should not leave someone just because they can not give you a baby. Besides, there are other ways of having a family. How would you feel is he left you because you could not have a baby. That is wrong. It is not his fault and you sound a bit selfish.

  8. ask him about getting a sperm donor.

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