
Should I leave the A/C on, and if so, at which setting?

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I'll be going out of town for three weeks and I'm not sure whether I should leave my A/C on. I'm in Texas, so temps will probably be high in the next 3 weeks...should the A/C be left on? Around what setting? Or should I turn it off altogether? I'm leaning towards off to save money, but I am worried whether that's gonna cause any problems? I only have a couple of plants, no pets.




  1. I live in Phoenix, Az and when we leave we set the A/c at 88*

    When we get home we drop it back to 75*

    It take 1/2 hour to cool off

    Good Luck Mr. Texas....10-4

  2. Each city has their own humidity and best tip you will get exactly from whom you will never expect, your own Power Company provider. Call them and they will let you know. High hit and humidity  level can damage many items you would not like to see when you get back home. Ex:  computer, general electronics, books, clothes, upholstery, carpet, furniture.

    Call them, few minutes can save you a lot of money and headache.

    Have a nice and save trip.


  3. Off, unless you have fat pockets and don't mind pissing through energy.

  4. I would agree on setting the a/c at a higher temp, say 82-84, this will keep the humidity down a little and you won't have to worry about furniture swelling up.

  5. I live in South Florida and I travel a lot for work. I usually turn A/C up to 78 or 80 just to keep the humidity out of my house and keep my plants alive.  Also, head to Linens N Things or Bed, Bath and Beyond and buy Aqua Globes for your plants. Water your plants first and then put the aqua globes in. They will help your plants survive while you're gone!

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