
Should I leave work?

by  |  earlier

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I'm at work, took a benadryl for this weird rash I woke up with on my face. Now I'm practically falling asleep at my desk and can't decide if I should try to stick it out or go home (which is only a 5 minute drive).

1. my boss is out today, so if I left, no one would really know

2. I can make up the hours next week

3. I have to travel after work and if I head home now, nap, pack and go, I can get there earlier.

any suggestions/advice?




  1. yeah soiunds like you need a break and can use the rest. if your falling asleep you can't drive though especially if you took benadryl- which is probably the reason you're drowsy.  its comming up on lunch. maybe someone can drive you home early, and follow you with their car or something....  but you shouldn't be at work if your not functioning....

    and if you're that tired and not feeling well then maybe you should postpone your travels till the morning.  

  2. yer go home, work sucks :)

  3. If your not at your best I say go home. Tell your supervisor  that you need to leave, if you can't drive have someone pick you up. Feel better.

  4. if you can make up the hours next week and you have to travel, go ahead and leave! lol that's kind of risky though, I mean it IS work and work is a commitment, so stick with it and stay. that's my advice. hope it helped:)

  5. you should have someone drive you home if you are falling asleep at your desk. Its not worth the risk and I don't know where you are from but in our country you can be charged with impaired driving if you are under the influence of anything that impairs you including medication.
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