
Should I let go of him just because my mom is?

by  |  earlier

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My mom and her husband are braking up after a 7 year marriage. They have a 6 and 4 year olds. My mom is moving out. I'm living with my dad and his 13 year girl friend who is terrably nasty to me, I keep wishing that my father and his beast would brake up. and now that I'm loozing someone that i want in my life hurts. I can see how sad he is with the way he talkes and im terrably mad towards my mom because she's not showing any emotion. he told me i can go to his house to visit him but personaly i think that would be kinda akward. Do I keep intouch or do I just ferget about him... What would you doo?? plz and thank you xox




  1. Keep in touch, it will help, and years down the road you dont want to wonder wherre that person is, or how there life is.

    It happened to me.

  2. Wow....your life is like a soap opera....I think I would keep the relationship with the step-dad he sounds pretty normal....about your dad and his 13 year old(?) girlfriend....that is another thing all together....why are you living with him and not your mom?  Hey why don't you visit on the same days your 1/2 siblings do then it might not be as strained....just a thought

  3. You definitely keep in touch.

    If you feel close to him and if you have a connection with him, then your mom should understand.

    Tell your mom that you are not taking sides you are simply keeping in touch because he means something to you.  Tell her you love her and that you hope she respects your decision.

  4. Well if you want him in your life go visit him and talk to him after all he's been there for the last seven years (I assume) why should that change becuase your mother seems to be over him. After all you do have two siblings that are with him two.

  5. You do have 2 siblings that will miss you terribly and he has been a part of your life for 7 plus years.  Do what your heart tells you to do.

  6. i think if u trully love him and he wont do anything to hurt u then u should keep in touch. but i dont think u should go to his house just yet. i think u should talk to ur mom about it. hope i helped

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