
Should I let him come with me riding?

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I ride my horses to and from school. Recently, a boy that likes me wants me to bring the other horse so we could go riding together and he could ride with me home. However, he's never been on a horse and he's afraid of horses. He seems like he really wants to come, I'm just afraid his fear will affect the horse. This summer he's been working at our ranch which seems to have helped, but not much.

Should I let him come

If you think I shouldn't, what can I do to help him




  1. Okay, so obviously he wants to do this because he likes you.  The question is do you like him, too?  If you don't, tell him that you don't have a suitable horse for him to ride and it's too far to walk the whole way.  If you like him, give him a few riding lessons at home first, then go for it!

  2. you could give him a chance if you like him.. he is trying. also, maybe pony one of the nicer not 100% beginner horses behind yours to see if it works..

  3. yea were do you leave your horse when you get 2 school?? and if you have a horse that is beginner safe than yea go for it. but only if you like him back other wise your sending mixed messages... :)) lolz

  4. No way would I let a beginner ride one of my horses.  That is a law suit waiting to happen.  If anything should happen to the boy his parents could sue you.  Why don't you find some other activity that you can do together, like the movies and hiking or something a little safer.  If he really wants to learn to ride then he should go ahead and do it, but I would leave that job to a riding instructor and a school horse

  5. NO   he  might  not  now  want  he s  doing.And  get  in  to  a


           GOOD    LUCK!!!!

  6. Wow so your horse just sits in the sun all day while your at school? Well thats cool at least that you can ride to school. the question :)

    I think you should give him little lessons. Be his trainer. You will bond. LOL. He will think its hott. LOL. If you dont want to then I would just ssay that you dont have a horse that would be safe for him. Or ride double on your horse! :)

  7. hmmm, thats a though one...i guess it depends on the horses temperament. Do you think the horse would do anything that would wind up getting either one hurt? do you want him to ride with you to school?? Do you ever go faster than the walk?

    you could teach him the basics of riding, so that he will be safer if you decide to let him ride with you.

    or you could try to find some kind on compromise, like walking or carpooling.

  8. I completely agree with horsechicka13313!

    -quote- if you have a horse that is beginner safe than yea go for it. but only if you like him back other wise your sending mixed messages... :)) lolz

    And may I add, you are so lucky you get to ride your horse to school.. or even that you HAVE a horse! lol, Good luck!!

  9. It would not hurt if he is comfortable doing this and has taken some lessons.

  10. He is the man and he help himself.  He help himself know how to ride.  He help himself to pursue you. And to top it all, he help himself how the 2 of u get closer together.  He help himself.....Yes?

  11. When you get to school.. where do you leave your horse..?

    Shock value question, I'm guessing.

  12. he is doing that to impress you and he probably likes you that is why he is doing it

  13. what do you mean by to school,

    Riding school or like actual mandatory school

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