
Should I let my 10 yr old have a MySpace?

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My 10 yr old wants a MySpace page in the worst way. I know that you can block people from accessing them which will give me some control of who would be looking at it. I have been telling her that she is too young, but all the other kids have them. how safe is it?




  1. It can be very dangerous!  If you can set rules and she follows them it may be fine.

    1-set it to private so only her friends can message her

    2-set it to younger age so its aoutomatically private

    3-no talking to strangers at any age

    4-no giving personal info like last name, address, school or anything!

    5-set it to a city fo a major local city, not your home town

    6-you have her password and full acess to check emails, friends, and where shes been online

  2. You shouldn't give her a myspace mainly because myspace is very unsafe due to not much profile security. If your child wants to be on a social networking site encourage her to get a Facebook, it's alot safer and simpler.

  3. no way. There is no way I'd let my 12yr old let alone a 16yr old daughter have one.

    As cool as they are and stuff like that I just don't agree with it. No matter what parental controls they have I'm sure there are ways around it.

    Tell her no, that you are sorry she can't have one and sadly if she hates you for it remind yourself this will pass.

    Go here:

    and browse the website for something LIKE Myspace that may be safer. .But check it out first to see what it really is like.

  4. Believe me, if you don't give her permission, she will just go behind your back and create one at a friend's house. It would be much better to allow her to have one with the condition that you would be allowed to look at it and make sure she is being safe. That way you have compromised AND she knows that you care about her and aren't just trying to be a tyrant.

  5. All the other kids have them. There is no way I would let my 11 have myspace. It may be safe, but it's the fact she's 10. It may be as safe for a 10 year old to use them as it is for a 15 year old to use them, but she's to young, it just seems wrong.  

  6. NO, NO, NO! I'm 13 and I don't have a Myspace, not because I'm not allowed, because I don't want to. She's 10, hasn't learned what are safe things to say on myspace, and hasn't learned that not everyone on these types of things are who they say they are. I've heard so many bad things on myspace. Like girls giving out to much info about theirselfs and getting followed and sometimes even meeting the person in public and realising to late that that person is not who they said they were. No, don't let her. She's too young. Introduce her to,, and other kids' sites. Hope this helps!  

  7. try this instead:

    its myspace for kids. much safer. plus, with you have to be at least 14.

    stay safe!

  8. No way.  There is way too much sdult content for a 10 year old.  My 16 year old cousin isn't even allowed to have one.  If any social network, try Facebook.  It is a little more regulated and doesn't have all the p**n and blatant sexuality.  Your best bet is to get your 10 year old involved with a hobby or sport.  Let him/her be more social and healthy instead of sitting in front of a computer or video game all day.

  9. me and my lil bro has one so my mommade one supervise my lil brothers cuz i am old enough to have 1 but that way she can c everything that is going on so he can hav som freedom but still get the fun out of the myspace

  10. I have one my self and im 16 years old.

    all guys do is try to pick up on me and send me pics of pornography. If i were you i would say no. They will delete it if they find out she is under 13 and i think 10 is WAYYY too young. Ive had stalkers on myspace and its very nervewracking too.

    Do what you want but my best bet would say no.

  11. Yeah, just monitor her friends, make her messages where you have to be a friend to send her one, make sure she tells you if she gets any friend requests, make it where you gotta know her last name to send a friend request, make her page private, and gotta be her friend to view pics. All that and shes safe!

  12. I'm 16 and myspace is a really great way to keep up with friends, but for a 10 year old, i think she should stick to sleepovers and phone calls. I'd wait till she gets into middle school, 7 or 8th grade before you let her have one.

  13. Are you serious?  What does a 10 yr old need a Myspace page for?  OMG are you her parent or her friend?  By Myspace rules she needs to be 14 and you need to read up on the dangers.

  14. no it's not i'm 22 and still keep my myspace  blocked but you still get friend requests from strangers and if your daughter is to nice she might accept them and then anyone can look at her page, besides she's too young, myspace would probably be all she wants to do and she should be outside playing

  15. No, she is too young.

    Site age rules are there for a reason - to protect young children who are not ready for that kind of internet access yet. Read them and follow them. She's at least three years too young, maybe four (can't remember whether myspace has a minimum age of 13 or 14).

    "All the other kids have them" - well TOUGH. Give it a couple of years and it's going to be "all the other kids are allowed out on their own at night." "All the other kids watch 18 movies." "All the other kids carry knives." "All the other kids skip lessons." "All the other kids have unprotected s*x." If you aren't going to put your foot down now, when are you going to?

  16. well u can make the profile private and u can also make it to were the person trying to add ur daughter has to know theyr last name or email to become friends. so that way they have to personally know each other to be friends on there. and u can also make it to were no one over 18 can be added or anything. i say go for it but make it as safe as possible and get access to it

    love ya^_~

  17. i think you should let her. if you tell her not to she'll probably do it anyways, except then she'll hide it from you and lie. i think its better you let her have one and just monitor it. you can check it so often, thatd be a good idea.

  18. NO!  Just don't....

    The sad thing is, you could create a really cute page, with lots of great pictures that your daughter's grandparents could see and she could only communicate with friends YOU approve of, but still...some pervert/molester would be able to see your baby...and WHY would you EVER expose her to that if you actually have control over it...which, you do.  So, NO.

  19. it would be okay but you definetly should check in on her myspace once in a while plus make sure he/she knows that they can only talk to friends they know. NO ONE ELSE!!!

    once thats been pointed out there shouldnt be a problem!!!!

                                                          have fun but always BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  20. I've had my own MySpace a little less than a year, and even with as much blocking as possible, I've still been exposed to some questionable people/organizations. Sometimes when I've visited music artists' pages, the comments were quite explicit; while when I've just been fooling around in my own area of the site I got some very awkward ads. Perhaps you should suggest a Facebook instead; I heard those were safer, though I'm not sure.

  21. If this is a serious question, then no.  At any rate, if MySpace finds out how young your child is, her account will be deleted.

    P.S.- If all the other kids had tattoos, would you get her one of those too?

  22. its fine if you make her profile private... so no one who isnt her friend can look at it.  its a good way to keep in touch with your friends, but there are definitely some creepers out there... so make SURE it is set to private so only the people she accepts as friends can see it.  and tell her that there are some weird people on those websites, so warn her not to accept anyone as a friend unless she knows them.

  23. I Wouldn't recommend a child at 10 to have one if you do sign your child up with an account you should be beside him all times, Myspace is full of perverts and those so called "Internet Bully's".  A Young girl killed her self just because of an Internet bully on myspace. which was sad]

    But yeah if you make one for her make sure your there with her. but I think shes too young to have one now. She should be on Nickelodeon or something besides myspace.

  24. No because he may not understand that any sort of personal information given on myspace can lead to trouble. There are a lot dangerous people all over myspace that with enough enformation can track anyone down. I've heard a lot of bad stories about people who got raiped off of myspace. Maybe when your son is older about 14 he can have one.

  25. im 12 years old and i have a myspace what u would do is have contral over her myspace so u can look at her and put her page on pravit

  26. It is not safe at all.

    1. Your daughter would have to lie about her age, just to sign up. You have to be at least 14.

    2. I'm 14, and i've been approached from WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE!

    3. There are ways to protect yourself, but if your daughter is adding people, they all have access to her information.

    4. Don't ever go by "all the other kids are doing it."

    5. Tell her she can have one when she is older, or refer her to a page like it, but safer. She REALLY shouldn't have one, it's not safe.

    6. I'm considering deleting my own account because i had my sister's old friend started stalking, and somehow got my phone number.

  27. I would let her have it as long as you can view her friends and comments and everything.. You can block all the people you dont want to see her profile.. And on the default pic you should put some fake picture.. That way noone will have access to her picture or anything..

  28. well myspace is not dangerous, but the minimum age is 14 to have a myspace. well you should. its safe. but she has to keep it private, and only accept friends who she knows. and tell her to never accept random people. also if she gets one dont tell her to write personal things like addresses, email, or phone numbers.

  29. You shouldn't worry so much as long as her page is private. You should check it out once in a while, but give her enough privacy so that you're not reading her messages and constantly checking who she's been talking to. You can tell her that she can only add her friends and people like that which she knows, which is what lots of kids do. Personally i wouldn't let her have one until she was about 12.

  30. Well to be truthful Myspace is dangerous and is filled with crazy people. If your daughter REALLY wants one set her profile to private and watch her on Myspace.

  31. Please, are you sure you want your child to be exposed to all sorts of weirdos? Putting in parental controls is all very good but if there is a will there is a way. If some pedophile wants to access your child they will. You hear cases all the time of weirdos assuming child identities. Why take chances? As we all know, a child has no way of predicting the consiquences of their actions. When they become to comfortable in the my space area what are the chances they will want to explore other on line chatting?

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