
Should I let my 15 year old get Facebook?

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Should I allow my 15 year old son to get facebook? If you have a son/daughter and they are around my son's age, do you have any rules or agreements with them so they can keep it?




  1. Facebook is much safer and so much more private with privacy controls than myspace. I think rules should be set as, dont put anything on there that you would be embarrassed of if your pastor, teacher, arent, grandmother seen it. And also as always you should have the password so you can check it whenever however and it allows access to his friends facebook profiles too. Im all about privacy but internet stuff and children is different.

  2. Yes, if you are willing to do the monitoring and the extra work then it should be safe.  I allow my 12 year old to have one and I have one with her as a friend so I can see what goes on.  Then she gives me the passwords for the personal conversations.  It works pretty well and she learns about saftey in using the internet.

  3. my daughter has it and she his 8. I have the password and can check it anytime I want. Also she asks me before she adds anyone. I approve all her friends and comfortable with them all. So at 15, I don't see the big deal.... just keep a tab on it and dont' allow her to add people she doesnt' know.

  4. yeah facebook is safer than myspace!

  5. there are two girls on my facebook page that are around that age now. one is 13, the other 15. i used to babysit the 1 year old and her mother's is on my page, too. the 15 year old is the 13 year old's friend. if it's like that and she only have people they know in person, friends, and family then she should be fine. he can set it to private so no one can see his page unless he approves the friend request

  6. I have an 8 years old, and yes, he have rules/agreements in regards to what he can/cannot do on the internet. And he follows it very well.

    As for the facebook question.. i don't see why not. Facebook have nothing wrong in it. It's just a website to get your friends informations, share pictures...

    There are applications you can add, but nothing that a 15 years old would find disturbing, at all. I would say let her get facebook... im sure many of her friends at school already have an account.

  7. everyone has it

  8. yes but like have her passwords approve her friends and all that stuff but like let her have a little freeedom

  9. i would say thats fine as long as he is honest and u trust him

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