
Should I let my 7 weeks old baby sleeps from 8 pm to 6 or 7 am without feeding?

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she doesn't wakes up for feeding middle of the night she get some naps during day and she eats frequantly during the day




  1. She will wake up if she's hungry. My little sister is only 1 1/2 months and sleeps through the night. Maybe your baby is like that. Some babies just do it early. If she is hungry enough she'll wake up..

  2. My baby was exactly the same at that age and has always slept really well at night, eaten alot and napped during the day. I did find that to make up for sleeping such a long time without eating she would 'cluster feed' in the evening, basically stocking up her supplies to keep her going throughout the night. She is now 14 weeks old, still sleeping through, is happy and healthy.

  3. My mother in laws eldest son did that slept right threw the night with out feedings from day one. Her doctor told her to wake the up the baby every 4 hours to feed them because its not good for them at this stage because they need your milk to put on weight and build up their ammune system and he ended up sickly.  Honestly I would call my doctor and let them know what is going on, and see what they say because unless your a doctor online I would be afraid to give wrong advice. Better to be safe than sorry right?

  4. well she obviously needs the sleep so dont wake her, your just lucky!!! expect it to change though  

  5. They say once your baby reaches 10lb (often around the 6 week mark), it can sleep through the night without a feed.  My baby started sleeping 8 hours a night most nights at 6 weeks old, right after her 6wk growth spurt. She's perfectly healthy now at 4 months.  Babys who sleep through the night early on, tend to feed frequently during the day to make up for it.  Mine fed every 1.5 to 2 hours in the day until recently.  Now she feeds every 2-3 hours but still clusters in the evening ready for bed.

  6. If they get hungry, they WILL let you know!

    All infants do is 3 things, Eat, Sleep, p**p.

    They cry when one of those isn't right!

  7. I am a firm believer that you do not wake up a sleeping baby. If she is hungry enough, she will wake up to eat. She will make up for it during the day. Be happy you have a 7 week old that sleeps that long!

  8. If it aint broke- dont fix it! If your bub is sleeping through the night then let her!!! :) As above, babies will wake when theyre hungry or wet enough so let them do it for themselves :D

  9. maybe wake her once in between to nurse in bed.

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