I just met my new teaching partner today. I also got a new classroom, so the teacher who left said that I could have anything that was left in her room. When my teaching partner and I walked into my room, there was a literature organizer and she said, "Oh, I want that if you're not going to use it." (I was thinking that I definitely did want it since it is the metal kind an they're roughly $300-500 new.) I didn't respond, but another teacher walked over later and said, "If you're not going to use that, I sure could." Just as I was going to tell her that I was keeping it, my teaching partner said, "Oh, no, girl. I already told her that I need it in my room." So, should I just let this go and give it to her, or should I speak up and tell her that it is mine? I want to keep it, but how can I do that without causing tension before we even begin working together??