
Should I let my daughter miss a morning of kindergarten to attend a party?

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My son's pre-school is finishing for the summer and this Friday is the party. My daughter went to the same pre-school and knows the teacher. All family members are welcome. They are having a magician and pot-luck. Should I let her miss the morning of Kindergarten? She is a good student and well-behaved.

This is part of the problem too; my nephew goes to the same pre-school and his sister is in my daughter's class. My sister is not taking her out of school to attend.

I don't want my niece to feel left out, but my sister is doing this because my niece has had a rough year and has failed to do well in school. I know it will bother my niece but I don't want to punish my daughter for her cousin's behavior.

Any input?




  1. One day of kindergarten will make not difference one way or another... absolutely let her go

    hopefully your sister will change her mind, if she is not ready to go to first grade maybe she should repeat

    my son did and now he's at the top of his class (10th grade) and not struggling as he was

  2. i dont see why you shouldnt let her go...its only one day and its kindergarden....whats she gonna miss, algebra? LOL

  3. I think your original impulse - to let your daughter attend the party - is correct. It sounds like she would enjoy it and you would all enjoy the time together as a family.

    IMO, you should definitely not let your sister's decision affect your daughter. That's not fair to her. You could give your daughter a good example of manners without punishing her; just tell her something along the lines of, "Honey, you're old enough to understand that it can hurt someone's feelings if they don't get to do something fun. So I'm really excited we get to go to this party together, but it wouldn't be very nice to talk about it in front of (your niece's name) since she doesn't get to go. You didn't do anything wrong, we're just being careful of her feelings because we love her!"

  4. I think that it would be fine to let her missing a morning of kindergarten. I don't think that she will miss much? And since it seems like she is doing well in school it would be a nice reward for her. I'm sure that your sister would understand the reason that you are doing this and wouldn't resent you for your decision. It's too bad that your niece can't go also but that's your sister's decision so you should just think about your daughter and allow her to have the day off to enjoy the party.

  5. I would keep her at kindergarten. the event is about your son's school. she needs to learn that some things aren't about her. things cannot always be equal when you have kids - if she is well behaved she will understand this.

  6. i say why not? its only kindergarden! what will she miss some finger painting or play-dough time?

  7. a "rough year" in kindergarten???  ask the child what she wants to do.

  8. I think you've already answered your own question.  Definitely bring your child to the party!  The life experiences of interacting with her old teacher and seeing a magic show are just as important as spending another day in Kindergarten class, and those opportunities don't arise very often.  Since your daughter is doing fine in class, missing one morning is not going to have any adverse effects.

    And you're absolutely right...your niece's bahavior should not impact your daughter's privileges.  You and your sister should parent independently in this situation.  If anything, when your niece realizes that she misses out on fun things when she fails to perform well in school, she might make an effort to change her attitude.

  9. Life teaches just as much as school does.  There have been plenty of times that I have decided that there are reasons to take my kid out of school even when they are perfectly healthy.  

    Ask your daughter if she wants to go to the party.  She may be thrilled to go to the party.  She may not like missing school!  Your sister has to do what she thinks is best so don'f fret about what she has decided.  Each family and each child is different.

    Have a great party no matter what!

  10. I would. Its just a morning. All you do is color, play, learn shapes/ letters and practice writing. It should be fine if she is doing ok. Kindergarden is suposed to be fun.

  11. I would be all for it but the thing is that this is a party for your son. I would understand if it was a younger one at home to go but let him have his psrty and enjoy it . I am sure she goes to parties of friends and as the younger one I always felt my sister got to do everything first. A party that was for me was something very special as it was mine, not my sisters

  12. I would definitely let her go. I did the same for my kids at that age. If your daughter is doing well it will not effect her. And it is important to show support for her little brother. my oldest has always been just as proud of her little sister as her father and I are.

    Let her enjoy the day, if your niece is upset that is your sisters problem. I do not mean that rude.

  13. Yes-let her go

  14. I would let her go to the's not like kindergarten is life or death lessons...

  15. I think it's important for children to cheer on their siblings when they're going through a right of passage.  Your daughter should go to the party to celebrate her little brother's last day of preschool.    There is so much repetition of lessons in kindergarten that she's not going to miss anything important.

    As for your niece not being able to attend, I think that's a shame, but that's up to your sister.  Your daughter should not have to be affected by her decision.

  16. Let her go to the party and explain to the teacher the poroblem.  It will be  allright with her.

  17. as long as she doesnt usually miss alot and is doing fine.. a few hours out of class to attend a family function/party is not a big deal. Its kindergarten and rolling towards end of year..i really dont think she would miss to much.

  18. yes do it. it doesnt matter its just kindergarten. and also its just in the morining. so yes let her go.

  19. Your daughter is no longer at pre-school, she is at kindergarten. She should go to kindergarten.

    "All family members welcome" does not mean "take your kids out of school". What are you going to do when she's in first grade? Seventh? High school? What about when it's her wanting to skip a morning to go shopping? Skipping school for a party is a dreadful precedent to set.

  20. No.

  21. I would let her go. The party sounds like fun. And it's just kindergaten. I'm sure she won't miss much.

  22. I think you should let her go to the party.

  23. Let her go to the party. She earned it. Missing 1/2 day of kindergarden is not going to hurt. My daughter is in 2nd grade and i let her miss a day when her aunt was in town. We had alot of homework that night, but was worth the time spent with her aunt who hasn't been in town for 2 years.

  24. Let your kid go.

  25. your daughter will learn some party manners in the party, she will learn how to behave with her peers, with adults, with the magician, and these are all learning for life. let your daughter enjoy life!

  26. Yes let her go! Both my daughters, grades 2nd and 4th are staying out of school this Friday for my baby shower that my friends are throwing me. It is something  special for your daughter and she will have so much fun and you are right don't punish your daughter for her cousin's behavior.

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