
Should I let my daughter ride this ride?

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My 14 yr old daughter is going to Hershey Park on the 30th. This new coaster is opening on the 24th. It looks like a terrifying ride to me plus it is new so there might be problems with it. Should I allow her to go on it?





  1. duh let her go on it

  2. You are a parent, Wake UP! If you don't feel safe letting your child do something then don't let her. No matter how safe a ride is, nothing is invincible to malfunctions in this world.

  3. I'd trust Hershey Park - they maintain their rides very well and have a great safety record.


  4. yes look up the gryphon at busch gardens i went on that and its the same basic idea im fine so yah id say so

  5. We are going on June 13th to Hershey for 2 days I have been there almost every year since I was about 10.  The past two years we have gone with my husbands family and he has a 15 year old sister who loves coasters.  She cannot wait to ride this new coaster.  Hershey is a very safe and clean enviroment so I wouldn't be worried in the least about her.  If you are worried about her going on it just have a talk with her and explain your concern to her and hopefully she will take your advice.

  6. Yes, she'll be fine. I always ride the new rides and nothing goes wrong. They do alot of testing before they open a ride to make sure it's safe.

  7. trust me i went to hersheypark on the second week they were opened and i had a friend that went the first week and my friend told me and i saw farenheit being tested with white dummies filled with water that absolutely looked hilarious and im positive that they were running test's last week to. So as long as she's tall enough and if she wants to then let her go on it. you wont have anything to worry about, because as scary as it looks its only going 58 miles an hour, i've seen it and just by watching it, the trains going over all the hills and extras at what looks like a very slow speed. Just because it scares you doesnt mean that you shouldn't let her go on it.

  8. She's 14, she'll be fine. The only bad thing that could happen is the ride to crash. And the chances of that happening are almost 15 in 10,000. That's 0.15% of it happening

  9. sure let her go on it. roller coasters are a load of fun, and hershey park is pretty good on taking care of their rides. as long as she doesn't have any health problems, she should be fine.

  10. They wouldn't let the public ride it if it wasn't going to be safe.  These days, if there are problems with it, even minor, the computer systems they have will alert them to anything that could possibly be wrong before they would even launch it.  Honestly, to me, it doesn't look that terrifying.  I can't wait until my children are old/big enough to ride the big scary rides with me!

    I would absolutely let her go on it.  She's definitely old enough.

  11. There are strict testing on rides before they are open to the public.

    She may be too scared to go anyway.

    I say let her go if she wants, shes 14 so she's old enough to decide if she wants to

  12. That looks like a blast! Let her go on it, it's a freaking roller coaster.

    And I hate to tell ya, but if you aren't there to stop her, unless she is just a really moral little girl, she will probably go on it anyway.

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