
Should I let my ear doctor do an exploratory surgery?

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Ok, so I've been deaf in my left ear since I was born and the doctors don't know why. Well I have to go to an ear doctor specialist every year for it and they do a hearing test that bypasses my propblem in my left ear and goes straight to my hearing organ. For some reason sound isn't getting to my hearing organ and when I took the hearing test they found out that I'm losing my hearing in my hearing organ. Now they want to do an exploratory surgery which is where they go into your ear and left up your ear drum to see what is wrong. Well I'm not really sure if I want to do this. Do you think this would be a good idea or do you think I shouldn't do it?




  1. I'm deaf in the same ear as a result of hearing nerve problems over the years. It would take a miracle to fix mine. I'd love to have it back hearing again.. Grab the chance to get it looked at. But first check out how much leave you can take from work or if you're at school/college. what you'll miss and could they give you help to catch up what was covered in that time you'll be away. God bless and best wishes.

  2. If you are concerned, ask for a second opinion from a different ear specialist (in a different office). Ask questions about the risks and benefits of surgery.  

  3. Well it doesn't seem like there is anything to lose, since you already don't have any hearing in your left ear.

    I think it sounds like a good opportunity since there is nothing to lose.

    However, I would find out if there is any down-time in the surgery in which you wouldn't e able to work/go to school. depending on if your life style allows it, i suggest going through with the surgery, but if it will cause you to lose salary that you need, or be hard with say children, then you may want to do more thinking on the matter.

    I suggest asking yourself this question:

    Will the possible pain and down-time be worth gaining hearing? And will it be okay with me if the surgery does not result in anything new or helpful?

    talk to your doctor more as well and other specialists, too.


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