
Should I let my friend crash on my couch tonight?

by  |  earlier

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So today my friend moved out of her old apartment and into her new one. But wait - that's not all. The movers were an hour and a half late, and when they got the stuff on the truck, it broke down on the way to the new apartment. To make the morning (by which, at this point, I mean afternoon) even better, the new apartment wasn't ready yet. The builder says the hardwood still needs coating. The mover says the coating must set for three days. The movein day is in only one day. Please explain how I could have avoided such a mess.

Oh, and by the way, should I let my friend crash on my couch? My apartment isn't nonexistent like hers is. I have an actual couch in an actual living room. And, she did buy me lunch after the fiasco. It wasn't very good, though.

Thanks in advance for you considerate answers. I hope your next moving experience is better than hers/mine.




  1. Why do you ask how you could have avoided such a mess. This was not your mess. If your decision to let her spend the night on you couch is figured by how good the lunch was, she does not sound like a very good friend. She has some complaints to the apartment manager who should compensate her for not being able to move in.  Meanwhile, it would be nice to let her spend the night on your couch but let her know up front the house rules and when she must leave or she may turn out to be truly not a friend.

  2. Yes, that what friends are for. Friends should be there in your time of need. Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. Friends engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship

    The only way to have avoided such a mess would have been for the apartment complex that she is moving into to have finished their renovations ahead of time or to have notified her in advance of the complications. Also, for the moving company to take better care of their trucks.

    The problems she's encountered are not her fault. You also need to ask yourself what if these problems were happening to you? What would you need? Then do for her what you would want done for you.

  3. Would it cost you anything in any sense to let your friend crash on your couch ??

    ...probably not.

    So yes, let her.  That's what friendship's about might need a favour in return one day.

  4. I would let her stay until her apartment is ready because it will be only 2 or 3 days.

    The problems were above her control so help her out if you are really a friend.

  5. She is your friend. A gentleman  would not need to ask the question. Change your sheets and let her sleep in your bed. She is your guest, treat her with some respect. You sleep on the couch.

  6. Of course you should let her.  Since the lunch wasn't that good don't give her a pillow.

  7. Yes. Especially since she bought you lunch. And none of it was her fault.

  8. Yeah you should let her.

  9. Let her crash, by all means.  She will appreciate having a roof for a couple of nights until her place is ready.  It's not like she's going to crash there and has no where else to go for a while and suddenly three days turns into a year.

    You're being a good friend to offer her accommodations.

  10. Yes or help put her up in a hotel.

  11. yesssssssssssss she was no where to stay!!!!! plus she'll owe u big time

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