
Should I let my kitten outside?

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We always let our kitten out on our deck. She would look over the edge which would always make us nervous. But recently, she fell right off the deck, and cut her paw. We cleaned it and she was perfectly fine. So later, we let her out again, and she did the same thing!! Now I'm wondering if we should still let her out? She meows ALL THE TIME to go out!! HELP ME???




  1. you could let her out for short periods of time and keep your eye on her till she grows up a bit?

    please answer mine;...

  2. I'm not in favour of letting cats run lose outside - it is dangerous for them (cars, other cats, raccoons, coyotes, etc.), and it is dangerous for local song birds.

    However, it should be ok to let your cat out on the deck. Have you tried letting her out with a harness? Admittedly, mine hated it, but it did keep her from going over the edge of my balcony, and - her favourite - across the railing into the neighbour's space.

    In the meantime, I've put up the window-box type planter that fits over the balcony rail, and filled it up (until the plants filled in, I stood some small twigs up in it to fill in the spaces where she might jump or walk). This seems to keep her on our side of the balcony, and she's happy to go about without the harness.

    Try Home Depot for this type of planter - the good news is that they are on seasonal mark down now.  

  3. i would kitten proof the deck... depends how big ur deck iss but put chicken wire about 2 feet high sso she cant jump off.

  4. If she falls off the deck, then she should not be let out.  Make her an indoor cat.  

  5. if you want to continue letting your kitten out, you should take her to a different part. perhaps the front yard maybe.

  6. She doesn't do well outside, that is obvious. Keep her as an indoor cat. She will get used to it and be much safer.

  7. Cats are outdoor and indoor creatures, but will just pine for the outside world and maybe even grow ill if kept indoors constantly. Let your cat out when you feel right, but get a lockable cat flap so he can go in and out as he pleases, but lock it at night and when you don't want him out so he can't get out. If he is outside always leave the flap open so he can get back in.

    P.S. If you really don't want her out, only let her out under your supervision, that way you can prevent any mishaps.

    P.S.S If you don't want strays in your home, get a magnetic locking cat flap. See Pets at for more information on magnetic and locking flaps.

  8. No, please don't let her out alone - cats are DOMESTICATED animals, which means they depend on human beings.  (Have you ever heard of a farmer "letting" a cow loose?).  However, she is a kitten, and can be easily trained to go out, with you, on  harness and leash.  Remember,she is a kitten - a baby - and needs to learn from you what she may or may not do.  Little kids cry and whine for things they want to do, too. Cats who are strictly indoors have much longer, healthier lives.

  9. Please get her the shots she needs and get her spayed before letting her out on her own. There are already too many animals needing homes now. Be a responsible pet owner, and stop overpopulation.

  10. Cats are born to be free, keeping them trapped inside all of the time is wrong,  but make sure it is fixed so it does not get pregnant, and also they tend to stay closer to home if they are.  They usually know where to come back to to get in, we had two indoor, outdoor cats and they scratched at the door to be let back in, or were always waiting there for us.  If you are close to a road, you may want to watch them for a while until they realize the dangers of it, unfortunately I've had two cats hit on the road, you can't control that, one was with us for six years, and knew all about it, but I still feel a cats desire is to be outside, they love that and deserve that, it is in their nature.

  11. Yes you should, but not for long. keep an eye on her while shes out, Utill she gets older.

  12. I would wait a bit before letting her out again...

    She seems  a bit clumsy... or is jumping over on purpose.

  13. Kittens are chatty. Could she be going into heat? Don't let her outside. She's too young and too prone to getting into trouble. I have a 6 month old kitten that I found outdoors. I took her in and she's adapted well to being indoors only.  

  14. you can let her out, but not alone, go out with her everytime. if that's too much of a hassel, hold out for about two weeks. if she still doesnt calm down from being in the house, then you can build some kind of encloser. but my guess is that in two weeks she'll get used to being inside. Open the windows tho so she can sit in the screen and feel the breeze.

    hope she feels better

  15. wait till you have little girls...then ask this question.

  16. If she has already done it twice she will probably it it again.  If you can completely screen in the deck so she could not get off it..that would be fine.  Cats are safest indoors.  If you let her out than you must face the fact that she may be seriously injured or killed.  Here are SOME of the outdoor dangers she will face:

    Getting hit by a car

    Being poisoned by a human, antifreeze, snail bait, rat poison, or even an insecticide used in yards

    Getting eaten or attacked by a dog or wild animal

    Getting in cats fights resulting in abscess and infection

    Picking up parasites: fleas, ticks, worms, ear mites, or fungal infections

    Picking up disease or viruses: feline leukemia, distemper, rabies (if not vaccinated)

    Getting pregnant (if not spayed)

    If you don't let her out..she will not miss it.  Let her meow..she will get over it.  A indoor cat is better than a dead one.

  17. i am for indoor/outdoor cats, so i would say yes.

    you are going to get a lot of "no", "absolutely not", and "letting a cat outdoors is cruel".

    im sure i will get thumbs downs for saying "yes" as well.

    it is really up to you though.  

  18. i wouldnt. kittens get really excited and love to explore.

    if you really want to have an outside cat then wait till its a few years old.

  19. did you cut your cats whiskers??? She must have balancing does  a cat fall off a deck...

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