
Should I let my mother in law drive my wife's car?

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My wife and I are going on a 2 week cruise and my mother in law asked my wife if she could borrow her car. The problem is my MIL is not on our auto policy and she can still drive OK but she is pushing 75 years old.

I'd like to help but my logic says that we will be ultimately financially responsible if something happens on the road. Plus if she's not on the policy, I'm afraid that the insurance will not cover any damages and we will have to pay whatever damages fully out of pocket.

Logic says no, emotion says yes. What to do?




  1. learn to understand some basic knowledge of your confused field before accepting any suggestion is a great idea.Here is great place to get start.

  2. Toughie.  The answer should definitely be no, but the tricky part is the delivery.  I would make up a story about the car making a weird noise or acting unreliable in some way.  Since you want your dear MIL to be safe on the road you'd rather she use her own, more reliable car.  After all, she wouldn't want you to spend your 2 weeks worrying about her breaking down and getting stranded in your car, right?

  3. Just explain to her politely that you would rather not let her because of insurance reasons. Tell her you are worried about other drivers. OR you could check with you insurance agent about insuring her for two weeks. If they allow it she could pay the premium for the two weeks.

  4. If she still drives to work, then I'm sure she can manage. She must be dreaming of driving a newer model and so why not let her. But tell her the consequences up front so she will be extra careful when she drives and in case there will be an accident, I'm pretty sure, it may not be her fault. Then tell her that you will try to change the policy for the car insurance (at least you will try but maybe it will not be possible) so she can drive the car. Well, this is only for two weeks and when you come back, ask her about her experience. She may be dreaming of getting a similar car of her own if this is the last wish she will ever get.

    I hope she has good driving record, too. After this, your mom-in-law will really love you.

  5. That's a hard one!  One thing to check into:  if you have full coverage insurance on your wifes car, that should cover any drivers over 25 driving that vehicle.  Call your insurance company to double check.  Maybe that'll make your decision a little easier.

    Hope I helped a little..

  6. Only allow it if she is covered by insurance.  You might have an "occasional driver" clause, check on that.  She might be covered by her own insurance to drive other cars.   If she is not covered then you have no choice but to say no.

  7. She is too old dont let her.

  8. if she has her own why would she need to borrow your's if you really wanna let her use it you could lways put her on your ins. policy temporarily

  9. If her own car were disabled or in for repairs, her own insurance policy would probably cover her while driving a borrowed vehicle.

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