
Should I let my newborn sleep through the night?

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At first, my baby was waking every three hours or so during the night to eat. He was also having a hard time with acid reflux and grunting/coughing a lot during his sleep. We started swaddling him two nights ago and using a sleep positioner, and he sleeps very soundly for about five hours now. I think he'd sleep longer, but I'm breastfeeding, so I need to wake him to eat. Is five hours too long? He's three weeks and two days old. All the lactation experts say that he must eat every two or three hours, even if I have to wake him, and during the day, that's what happens. But he looks so happy and peaceful sleeping at night, and it's nice for me and my husband too. So should I let him sleep five hours or longer, or wake him up to eat?




  1. I would totally let him sleep.  You milk will adjust and be available when he is hungry.

  2. I think you should feed him, no matter how peaceful. But if you are really unsure ask someone with more child experience or your doctor, its better to be safe than sorry.


  3. I would let him sleep until he wakes himself looking to be fed.  

  4. Yes, let them sleep. If they are hungry they will wake up. My husband has two (Now adult) kids from his first marriage and they were both sleeping through at 3 weeks.

  5. let him sleep as long as he wants to sleep is good for him if your b***s get tender at night get up and pump. If he was hungry he would wake up. Enjoy the sleep you are getting you are very fortunate to have him sleep so long.

  6. I say let your baby sleep unless he sleeps more then five hours.  Babies are not physiologically able to sleep longer then five hours without risking a drop in blood sugar until they are three months old.  As for the lactation consultants, I think they are telling you to nurse every two to three hours to keep your milk supply up.  If you want to let your baby sleep and it has been more then two to three hours since he last ate you can pump to keep your milk supply up.

    Good luck!

  7. My lactation consultant recommended 2-3 hours during the day and 4-5 hours at night (no more than one 5 hour stretch) until they're about 6 weeks old.

  8. There are lots of theories on this, but basically whether you should wake every 4 hours at night or whether one 6 hours stretch is acceptable it is generally agreed that if a baby is gaining well after 4 weeks you can stop waking them at all -as long as diaper counts/weight gain remains normal.  This advice is for normal full term babies only.  Babies that were preterm, low birth weight, have a medical condition, lost more than 10% of their birth weight, or haven't regained their birthweight by 3 weeks should be working with a lactation consultant (certified one, not a "lactation nurse" or "home visitor")

    In your case if gains have been near the high end of normal and no jaundice I sure as heck wouldn't get worked up over letting him sleep 6-7 hours at 3+ weeks.

    "My baby just started sleeping longer at night. Do I need to wake him to nurse?"

    If your baby is younger than 4 weeks, then it is a good idea to wake baby at least every 4-5 hours at night to nurse if he does not wake on his own. If your child is older than 4 weeks, you can allow baby to sleep as long as he wants at night as long as he is peeing, pooping, and gaining weight within normal parameters.

  9. Hi, my baby slept through the night from birth and I was also worried about the feeds but my midwife told me if she was hungry she'd wake up on her own so I let her sleep. She fed heavily throughout the day though. I think 'experts' can be a little too pushy about what you must do to be a 'good mother' but if your child is contented and your happy then just go with it. Why make it harder for yourself I stopped reading all these parenting books as it just caused too much worry. My baby is a very happy 9 month old now. Good luck

  10. let him sleep, he'll wake up when he's hungry, his tummy is getting bigger try giving him a bit more breastmilk before bed so he's full longer.

    dont wake the baby let him sleep.

    i have a 11 month old

  11. I would let him sleep.  He will wake up if he is hungry.  If his weight is low, or decreasing then I would wake him.  My sons always slept about that long then, and they are just fine.  The only thing I would recommend is that you take out the sleep positioner.  They have been linked to sids.  I do believe that in last months parenting there was an article about it.  (it was either that, babytalk, or american baby)  I get my magazines mixed up.  

  12. 4-6 hours at night is just fine, as long as he's eating well the rest of the time and has passed his birthweight.  He does need to eat about every 2 hours during the day, but one longer stretch at night is ok.  

  13. He will wake up on his own if he is hungry. As long as he is gaining weight and has enough dirty/wet diapers I would let him sleep. To maintain your supply you could do a pumping session while he is asleep. It is very normal for a newborn to sleep for a five hour stretch. Your just lucky he is doing it at night already!!  

  14. I breastfed as well and that's what I was told. I woke her up a few times but she would never eat shed just go back to sleep. So I just let her sleep and as soon as she woke up I fed her. There's nothin wrong with letting em sleep.

  15. Let him sleep. It would be a good opportunity for you to express.

  16. As long as he is not losing weight and eating more than a couple of ounces of milk. Remember his little stomach can only hold so much. You want to make sure he is getting enough to eat. My newborn came home sleeping 4 hrs at a time. But she was also taking 4oz of milk. I really think you have to watch the baby to know for sure. You don't want the baby to lose weight. Call your docs office and get their input on this. They have the records and can guide you for sure.

  17. Personally, I would let him sleep at night and not wake him.  During the day is another story though.  I would wake him as needed during the day if he seems to be sleeping too long.  This is going to help him get his days and nights straight and begin a pattern of sleeping more at night and less throughout the day as he gets older.  He will wake when he's hungry.  Keep in mind too, that as he grows he will go through growth spurts and may start to wake during the night for feedings again.  This is usually temporary and can last from 2-3 nights to a week.

    You will get a lot of conflicting answers to this questions, so if you're still unsure check with your pediatrician.  Generally they will tell you as long as he's gaining weight, pooping and peeing regularly he's just fine.

    Best of luck to you and congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

  18. i know youre supposed to breastfeed often to keep up your supply but i will forever live by the old saying NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY.  who knows....but youre lucky!  5 hours at 3 weeks old.  nice!

  19. I would let him sleep unless at his next checkup you see any weight loss if you see he has lost weight I would wake him up at least every 4 hours.

  20. I would wake him up every 3 need to keep your milk at good flow.

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