
Should I let my sister-in-law go on vacation?

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My sister-in-law, who is legally still married, wants to go on vacation with us over Thanksgiving. She wants to bring her boyfriend who is also still married. The boyfriend left his wife and two kids to start a relationship with her. She would also like to invite my in-laws (her parents) with us. We always go on vacation over Thanksgiving break to avoid the family chaos. Should I let her and her new boyfriend come with us?




  1. It seems like the whole point of the vacation was to avoid the family. If the whole family is coming anyways you might as well just stay home. If they want to go thats their decision but i would be making sure they had their own place to stay and wasn't around all the time ruining your vacation.

  2. NOOOOO. thats a really terrible idea.

  3. Who are u to tell her who she can be with? What if she doesn't like what u do or why you do it. Mind your buisness. As long as she isn't obnoxious with public displays of affection why do you care? Are you shareing a room with her? Unless her v****a affects you directly what is the harm in letting her go? Why create unneed tension in your family?  

  4. only if you want them there

  5. Although Thanksgiving is a holiday dedicated to family appreciation, It has also been proven to be one of the most stressfull days of the year. So if the whole point of your vaca is to relax and get away, you should just tell them that and they should understand. I mean you have 360+ more days to deal with the family drama...

  6. Listen, that is probably more drama than you want on a vacation, your sister in law smooching with a married man while her husband is at home and your Mother in law and father in law looking at what you orchestrated and probably blaming you for the mess - it will only get really ugly and since it was your vacation guess who will get all the credit.

  7. Why are you letting this woman run right over you? First she invites herself in on your vacation at your condo (how rude!); and then she tries to include the guy she's committing adultery with. Can you give me any reason why you should go along with this? Because I sure can't think of one.

    Tell the family that this is your immediate family's get-away, and, you're sorry, but no one else is invited.

    Just because your sister-in-law has questionable morals does not mean that you have to condone her behavior. Tell her to fornicate on her own time.


    What she does in her house is none of anyone's business. What she does in someone else's house is THEIR business.

  8. are you kidding. tell her to get lost

  9. i wouldnt if i was you, but its really up to you and how close you are to her.  

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