
Should I listen to my sister?

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My sister is 14 years old, shes taller than me, weighs less than me. I'm dark skinned and brown hair, shes pale and black hair.

When I'm at home I'm different than I am if say if i was out with my friends. With my friends I'm more bubbly funny and don't get quick to anger but when I'm at home i keep to myself in my room get angry whenever my space is intruded. My sister thinks she no's the real me but I don't know for certain because i don't even know the real me!

Should I listen to her? She says I'm an angry person who is really boring and have many different personalities with different people. She makes me out to be fake and I don't know what to do .. Should I listen to her and try change?




  1. Do what will make you happy. Don't listen to mean things siblings say. Just do a little soul searching and decide what you think is best for you.

  2. just be yourself

    no -one likes their space being invaded when your a teen i know i hated it!!

    you need your privacy dont listen to her IGNORE her lol!

    just be yourself

  3. its obvious you have different personalities.

    but that doesn't mean you should change.

    nobody knows the real you so dont let other people decide who you are.

    and why does she call you boring??...

    tell your sister to back off.

    you are who you are and you shouldnt change for anyone.

  4. Hear what you say. But why does it matter what she says?  It is just her opinion!  After all, she did not do anything to be taller than you. Is she older or younger?

    If older they think they know everything - I'm an older sis myself.  Younger - they know it all too.  Just be happy being you.

  5. You should listen to you. Find out who you are first, and ignore what everyone else says about you. Your living your life for you, not anyone else. Just because your sister thinks she knows you by what she see's doesn't mean anything. Only you can truely know you.

  6. Try to find your self, sometimes home life isn't the best or you don't really feel comforable being yourself there. Your sister may think she knows you but if you don't know yourself I doubt your sister does. Listen to what your gut is telling you. But I really wouldn't listen to your sister.  

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