
Should I make a mends with my best friend?

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I was checking my facebook notes and noticed a status update from my BFF that said 'you claim to be my girl but whenever I ask you to hang out you stand me up. 3x I'm str8'. I had called her twice prior to reading that only to get the voice mail which is rare so I figured it was about me. In response I wrote a comment on her facebook: I can respect that.

I feel like that was petty considering we're ALWAYS together! I can only recall standing her up once. She invited me to dinner at her new place and I fell asleep. I called that next morning and that's when I got the voice-mail. My initial feeling was WHATEVER! I love my girl and that's my ace for life but at the same time I feel that she made the choice without confronting me so it's something she's been thinking about doing for awhile. I kinda feel like it's for the best because we're moving in different circles now. She married and trying to hangout til 5am and I'm single and like being home by 12. We fought about that a lot. I think that's where we bump heads the most.I don't know how we got to this point but I'm completely ok with it. Is that wrong?




  1. no you are not wrong. bff are not always forever even though we would like them to be.  Sometimes we grow in different directions and it is best for the friendship to just let go and let be and move on.  Sounds like this is what you have done since you no longer have the same things in common.  She will be fine and so will you.  You can be there for her in the future if she gets back to living her life more in sync with you and wants to be friends again, but until then just go your own way and continue to be happy.

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