
Should I make a move?

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Ok, my best friend in the whole entire world and I are going to the movies. We are amazing friends and we tell each other everything. We always get into fights on who loves the other one more and who cares more about the other. We hug like 20 times a day. She lets me put my arm around her and stuff. Should I kiss her? If so how should I do it? How long? If not is there anything I can/should do? Thanks a ton!




  1. Well try to get yourself in that position again, and yeah move in for the kiss, she was probably waiting for it also.

  2. just go for it. if you really feel so strongly just let her know how you feel. just tell her that you care about her as more than friends but if she rejects you, and you have to be prepared for that, that you would still like to remain friends. also you have to ask yourself if you think your friendship is strong enough to handle the stress if you two dont take it to the next level. and you have to face the very real possibility that this could end your friendship. also think about if you two did get together and somewhere down the line you broke up. ive seen it happen and it has ruined the friendship of not only the guy and girl, both were good friends of mine, but it also destroyed the friendship of me and her. i felt like i had to choose sides and i ended up siding with him. and it happened not once but twice with the same guy! but im not saying this to scare you out of it. i just want you to weigh both options and see which one you like best. its not something someone can decide for you. on the same token though i had i girl i liked when i was a senior in highschool, im a sophmore in college to give you some reference. She was tall had nice hair, a nice smile and two very big b***s. we had a cooking class together and we always seemed to have fun goofing around and getting real social. i thought she was into me but, not having much experience with girls, i wasnt really sure and was reluctant to find out. i didnt want to ruin the friendship we had. so, like an idiot, i waited and waited and the last day rolled around. i figured i had nothing to lose if she said no. but i bitched out again. but i still had her number and her facebook. we got to texting one day and i found out that she had in fact been digging me and was more than a little annoyed that i hadnt made a move. so she moved on and found a new boyfriend. and then through a series of text/phone conversations with her and a couple with her boyfriend i realized she would not have been the girl for me. sorry this is getting so long but it just all sorta came out. i guess what im trying to say is be prepared for the consequences. but at the same time dont let an opportunity slip away. i let it happen and for a while i was devastaed. and remember that she likes you for who you are. if you are as close as you say you are im sure your friendship can endure.

  3. look into her eyes & then give her a soft kiss on the lips. not to much pressure, not to long, not to fast.

    like 5 seconds. =P thats pretty specific.

    oh & yes, you should make the move. she probably has been waiting for one!

  4. well if you and your friend care each other that much, try asking her out instead of kissing her when you 2 are not dating.

  5. if you like her go for it...

  6. duh best friends always make the best couples cause you can relate to each other go for it  
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