
Should I make my first prenatal appt. sooner since I got pregnant while on the iud??

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I just confirmed that I'm pregnant this week. I had the mirena iud, for 2 months and it fell out last tuesday. I had some preg. symptoms before it fell out so i took a test on sat. n it was positive. When should I call my doc?? This is my 2nd child and im not sure if i should wait til im 8wks. like i did with my first or if i should call tommorow morning! My sis. thinks i should call right away since i conceived with it still in there but i figured im ok since it fell out. Confused




  1. go to the Dr. NOW !! theres a chance that the baby was conceived in outside the uterus, and it could an ectopic pregnancy etc.

    i always saw my Dr. as soon as i found out i was preg. usually 6 weeks. i don think there should be a timeline as to when to see your  Dr.

  2. Well you never know.... I would have to agree with your sister and just make the appointment so your OB  can check you out.

    Good Luck and Congrats!

    P.s Im due in July and after planned on getting Mirena, I guess I should keep my options open being that it didnt prevent you from getting pregnant! ;)

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