
Should I make the first move, now???

by  |  earlier

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I know this girl since last year and she liked me, but she didn't admit it. Now, this year I was planning to ask her out in May to a carnival. But I have a gut feeling that she wants me to make a move now. When I get that feeling, I am almost never wrong. Here it is in September and I am well ahead of scheldule, because I was gonna ask her out in May. Should I make the move now or wait?? If I do make the move now, where should I take her??




  1. YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE THE MOVE BRO.. i had this regret of not askin this one girl out once. take her to the movies or an amusement park or the amll

  2. make a move better to have done something then to do nothing pass or fail as long as you do something you want to do you want something take it

  3. Show her your interest.  Maybe she'll catch on first!

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