
Should I make the next move?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 32 and he's 33. I've been seeing this really great guy for almost a month now. We usually see each other on the weekends since we live almost an hour apart. Well the past 2 weekends were spent together but the problem is he does not call me during the week at all! Last week, I made the 1st move by texting him since he was at work and he writes back and then he called me that night to make plans for the weekend. Now another 5 days have gone by and I haven't heard anything. I really like him and he has a lot of great qualities except this! Wouldn't he want to talk to me if he was into me? Do you agree with me that I shouldn't always be the first to call? Men and women are welcome to answer. Thanks!




  1. maybe shyness

  2. Well, we'd both think that but the thing is, if he is a guy you're really interested in, you're going to want to make the move before some other chick does and tries to take your place. Don't let another girl take your man. Call him. Tell him that he's on your mind. Tell him how you miss him. Just don't do it too much or he'll feel that he'll need to take a couple steps back (and we don't want that). Right? Right. =) Good luck. Keep in mind that you've only been dating him for a month and you've only seen him on the weekends. Maybe you should try to see him one more day during the week. And you both could switch off. The next week he can come visit you an extra day. If he don't put an effort into seeing you, then forget him. He won't be worth that hour drive. I wish you the best of luck. =)  

  3. What does he work as? Maybe work is getting busy since labor day weekend and stuff. Give it a little more time. Although I believe that when a guy is into you, he will make time for you, no matter how busy he is. If he's making you the last priority, then don't even bother. There are plenty of other gentleman that would love to call you up, take you to dinner and give you what you deserve in a relationship.

  4. I am not a relationship expert, but it soundlikes this a*****e i used to date

    This guy is not into you,he's only interested in you for the s*x, that is why he doesn't call you on the weekdays, cause he's hanging with his other

    # 1girlfiend (most likely). He's probably just doing you for the s*x. Get rid of him fats and don't even think about making the first move, for what? a relationship? he'll just let you down. This is just my opinion.

  5. In my experience, if a guy doesn't live nearby and he's not calling...he's doing something else.

    "Wouldn't he want to talk to me if he was into me?" Yes, yes, and yes.

    Unfortunately, this happens a lot. I hate to say it - but it's often married guys. You feel so happy that you've found this great guy, the most amazing guy you've ever met - and come to find out, he's already got a wife. :(

    Even if that's not the case, he's making you uncomfortable by not calling. It doesn't feel right, and it's not right if he really likes you. You have a right to expect more contact. The lack of attention is telling you something.

  6. well i think you should call him if you are seriuos about him, and when you meet up just tell him that you get really happy or that you smile when you get a call from him or a txt or see his name. Try to slip it in casually.

    I personally used to hate it when girls would call and wanna talk for hours over the phone. i preffered txting.  

  7. I believe it shouldn't matter whether the man or woman make the first move. I feel that it is okay to call. Have you ever thought that maybe he's not a phone kind of person. But I do  think it's okay to call.

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