
Should I mass delete the posts I have on my blog?

by  |  earlier

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I've had a blog since 2005 but I've not really posted in it much. I've recently gone back to it and want to start posting again. I don't like what i've already posted in there but don't want to loose the layout and URL I already have as it's they're good.

The posts don't match the look and feel i'm now going for and what i'd like to chat about. I've saved all the posts to word files so they're archived but i'm not sure whether I should delete them out of the blog online as well. If I got rid of them then it would be a blank slate with no past memories or out of place posts.

I'm umming and arrring over it so i've come to ask your opinion. What do people think I should do?




  1. keep everything and keep adding and adding (:

  2. Sounds like you know not how to have them archived. I say archive them = keep them, but put them in a archived location on your same site.  

  3. keep them. i've deleted everything out of my blogs before and then wished that i hadn't.

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