
Should I m********e?

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I just turned fourteen last week, and a few days ago, I "Accidentally" jacked off for the first time in the shower (used soap). After that, should I do so again? I often find myself wanting to, but I know it won't get in the way of my regular activities (I have a lot to do). So if I should (I heard it's healthy) should I keep using soap? And if I use Vaseline as a lube, where should I go to get rid of the "Stuff"?




  1. Its says in the bible that if you jack off you are goign to h**l.

    John  18:12

    PS: See you there.

  2. to get rid of the "Stuff" as u call it u can just use toilet paper or something then flush it down the toilet. u shouldn't be questioning whether you should jack off or not, if you want to then do it, everyone else does. also u dont have to use soap or vaseline or anything u can do it without anythin. also a good time fr u if u have alota stuff to do during the day is either in the morning before u get up or at night before u go to bed

  3. yes, you should. There shouldn't be anything from stopping you if you want to. You can use soap, vaseline or lotion. You can put your stuff in tissue or a napkin or something.

  4. go ahead and jack off if you want, but DONT use soap, it hurts the urethra and makes it sting when u pee

  5. Yeah, you can shoot your load into the toilet. I shoot my load into urinals sometimes.

  6. You should definitely m********e - it feels wonderful, is good for your mental and physical health, and helps you to get to know your body sexually - this will be a great help when the time is right for you to have s*x with a partner.

    First read this, and be sure to read it all through - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    Here's some information about the health benefits, from Wikipedia:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    You can see how this makes sense - when you m********e your heart beats faster, and your breathing speeds up. Since the heart and lungs are two of the most important organs in the body, any safe activity that exercises them is good for your general health.

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - one doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week.

    Jackinworld did a survey of its readers and obtained the following results:

    Average Masturbation Frequencies by Age:

    11: 11.1 times per week

    12: 9.4

    13: 10.6

    14: 10.6

    15: 9.9

    16: 9.6

    17: 9.4

    18: 8.5

    19: 9.3

    These are averages - your body will tell you what's right for you.

    Also be aware that there are many different techniques -

    At the bottom of each page, click on "to next page" until you reach the end of the section.

    Some of the techniques are a bit strange - you should heed any warning to be careful, and be sure to keep everything clean. We are all different, and respond to different types of stimulus, but there are a certainly a lot of ideas here.

    Soap can cause problems, as it is usually alkaline, so it can cause irritation or even pain. If it doesn't bother you, there's nothing wong in using your own saliva; or there are lubricants designed for the job such as KY jelly. Anything oily can leave stains on your clothing.

    Keep a box of tissues handy to catch the s***n when you ejaculate, and flush them down the toilet. That way you are free to m********e anywhere that's private.

    There used to be a lot of prejudice against masturbation, and even now some parents disapprove, or are embarrassed that their children are doing it. If your parents are likely to be in that category choose times and places when you're not likely to be disturbed. They know all about s*x of course, otherwise you wouldn't be here!

    If there is anything else you need to know - click on my name to get to my Profile, and you can email me anonymously via Yahoo Answers. That ensures that all communications are confidential.

  7. Yes you should to get used to s*x  to m********e. cup your hands around the end of the p***s keeo stroking until it tickles thats called a o****m. Have fun

  8. yeah u can just "flush it". anyways masturbating is healthy. im 14 and its perfectly normal

  9. well you should definitely keep doing it but i suggest not using the soap it can burn you get some lube non scented lotion or baby oil are good or just get some KY jelly. as for the "Stuff" i used old socks, shirts, towels to clean up.

  10. please! Accidentally jacked off? Oh yeah yeah I see  its like a gun, you were cleaning it and it accidentally went off. ya know you should  feel lucky you can go online and freely talk about this kind of stuff. when I was a kid there was no internet and "roughing the suspect" was simply not talked about. Ah to be  young again.

  11. Dude, I wouldn't use vaseline--it's too tough to clean up.  If you have to use lube, just use hand lotion.  Or go buy some regular water based lube (any drug store or walmart).

    And you can jerk in the bathroom, shower, or even in your room.  If you do it in your room, you might want to keep an old rag or some tissues handy to catch the spunk.  

    Jerk as often as you need/want to.  Some guys do it once or twice a day, some do it once or twice a week.  I remember when I'd go about four or five times a day.  You do whatever you need to.  And I'm glad to see your priorities are correct.

  12. well, Soap wouldn'tt be too great of an idea to m********e with. It could give you a pretty nasty rash I think.

    Vaseline would be better, you could also try hair conditioner, Ky Jelly etc.

    Masturbation is healthy everyone does it.

    if "stuff" you mean s***n if your in the shower just wash it down the drain.

  13. d**n how do you live without jaking off !!

    im fourteen im always doing it when im at home

    i started when i was like 12

  14. yes

  15. yes you can! Pray and god will forgive your sins! go to church to! Just m********e!

  16. lol get rid of it like like put in on a toilet paper. and flush it

    and go ahead and m********e your young and yeah. almost every guy does but not everyone. and if you have no time then dont lol. hmmmmm my guy friends says he jacks off like before he goes to sleep ahaha its funny but yeah alot of guys do

  17. yea you should continue doing it. almost every single guy does. and just do it in the shower; easy clean up.

    e-mail me if you have more questions.


  18. Man!  Somebody has had you locked in a closet somewhere for a long time.  You don't have s*x education classes at your school?   I smile to think that sucker just accidentally jumped into your hand & you 'accidentally' masturbated.  Give me a break, Clyde!

  19. Hi Sweety, masturbating is a completely natural thing and when you love yourself this way, then you can help others love you better by helping them to know how to turn you on. But using soap can be drying to your skin if used to much unless you use a soft soap or even a beauty soap bar. Vaseline is a better choice I think . But never feel shy about doing something that is natural for everyone at one time or another.
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