
Should I mind my own business ??

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A neighbor in my complex supplies his son with marijuanna, he says that this way him and his wife don't have to put up with the kid being loud, the child is 12 and is stoned most weekends. However, the parents are drunk after work and on weekends and always yelling and fighting. The boy is already been in trouble before, so I don't want to add more to them since its obvious they can't handle what they have on their plate already.......Should I report this or keep my nose out of it?




  1. Did they tell you this?! If they have no better sense than to advertise the fact that they give their twelve year old son an illegal substance I think they should be reported. They don't sound like very good parents anyway.

  2. id report man think if the parents are willing to supply him with marijuana then they god knows what they would do to him when they drunk they might hit him or something

  3. If this is a serious question, you need to call Family and Protective Services or whatever passes for it in your area and report it.  This is child abuse and neglect in a very bad way!

  4. If you report it , you may be required to identify yourself.  And if the authorities press charges, you may have to appear as a witness.  Are you prepared to handle that?

  5. I think you should report the parents, simply because they are putting their child in danger. If something happens to him, you would feel extremely guilty for not saying anything. Also, if his parents are not fit parents, it might be better for the boy to be taken where he will be safely raised.

  6. The parents have the choice for their actions.  The child doesn't.  If the parents told you what they are doing.  Consider it a cry from God to help that poor child's life before it is too late.

  7. That is a prime example of what is wrong with our country. Not my problem.

    Heck yeah you need to report these white trash losers! Who gives their child illegal drugs? No wonder this kid has been in trouble. No one bothered to be a parent to him. How can they tell if the kid is too loud if they are always drunk & fighting?

    Why can't we neuter people??? If your a loser fine, be a loser. Don't procreate & doom your child into being a loser! Sure there's plenty of folks with problems that have kids, having problems doesn't make you a loser. What makes you a loser is not trying. & these folks sound like they have never ever tried.

  8. You have to report it!  These people have turned their son into a drug addict just so that they don't have to deal with him.  IF you call Children's Services, they may be able to help them with all that they have going on, or at the least, get their son out of that horrible environment.  Can you imagine being a troubled kid and having to deal with all of the chaos and neglect that has to be going on in that house?  He was probably getting in trouble as a cry for help that no one has paid any attention to.  Please don't let yourself be yet another person who turned a deaf ear or a blind eye to his need for help!

  9. Clearly this is a case that needs to be reported to the authorities but you need to make sure you have all your facts right or it will be a false accusation---and you are neighbors after all.

    The 12 year old needs guidance and encouragement from adults in order to grow up to be responsible citizen, not a burden on society--who blames the system for all that has gone wrong in his life.  Or worse yet, he gets in the revolving door of being in and out of prison because he didn't learn right from wrong and basic values as a youth.

    Please do the right and honorable thing and save this child from going down the wrong path in life.

  10. if something bad happens to that kid, it will be on you and you couldnt forgive yourself. so, make a anonymous complaint

  11. I'd report it anonymously!!!

  12. You should report it. Call Child Protective Services or the boy's school.

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