
Should I move back in with my parents when I graduate?

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I have quite a bit of debt to pay off. I get on with my family pretty well but obviously it would mean I'd have to deal with my parents' rules as an adult. Is it worth saving money (on rent/food)?




  1. It is SO worth it!  Once you jump out there on your own and you try paying off your debt along with paying all of your bills you'll be wishing you had moved back in!  It's only temporary anyways.  Just try to strike up a deal with your parents.  Tell them that you really could use their help but maybe relax a little on the rules to make moving back easier on you.

  2. Yes, its worth it.  Swallow any pride and rejoice in the fact that you have people who love you and will give you some time and help to get on you feet.  If you can take advantage of free rent then you can handle some rules that go along with it.

    Good luck.

  3. I think its worth it as long as you avoid a few common mistakes.  Don't after a time don't rush out and buy that new car or other luxury item simply because you can afford it.  Remember, living there is a temporary situation.  You don't want to HAVE to live their if you rush out and run up all the credit card debt you can.

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