
Should I move on, or give her some space..?

by  |  earlier

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Been dating this girl for about a month, we seemed to really like each other and all was great until last Tuesday when she invited me out with family and friends. Not sure if this is part of the problem, but one of them let it slip out that she just found out she was leaving for national guard bootcamp earlier than expected, next month. She was upset because she wasn't ready to tell me yet. Night ended normally with a hug and kiss. Hasn't returned my calls (3 total) since then. I heard from her Thursday night when she IMed me on facebook saying "hugs and goodnight" and signed off. I texted her back on my phone 'back at you' and she responds apologizing for not calling back, left her phone at work last night and lost a friend (suicide) the other night, works been crazy, etc. Didn't return my call Saturday either but I talked to her on IM again that night and asked if everything was ok between us, she said "of course", mentioned giving me extra hugs next time we got together, seemed like her normal self. All my friends say she just needs space and to back way off with everything going on, but would this really stop her from at least calling me back and is that a hint? On her facebook, seems like she's still going out having fun. She's the old fashioned type who never calls guys first either, which doesn't help. What should I do at this point?




  1. Give her room, if you try too hard she'll get annoyed.  If she really wants to be with you she'll come looking for you.  If not then maybe you're better off...(in the long run)

  2. She may be upset with what happened to her friend, and needed to be around other women.  Women are more emotionally in tuned with each other.  She could be backing off a bit, so as not to hurt you so much when she leaves.  She could be just trying to spend as much time as she can with everyone since she is leaving.  If I were you, I would not jump to conclusions until she turns you down to go out.

    Why don't you plan a nice dinner out for thelast day before she leaves for boot camp.  you can get her a nice card and some flowers or candy. to let her nknow you are going to miss her.  Ask he now to plan ahead, and it won't interfere with anyone elses plans before she leaves.

  3. I think she is dealing with her news as much as you are . Just be there for her , its not easy to have to leave someone you like for indefinite periods of time . This sounds like her way of dealing with it .

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