
Should I move to Australia with my hubbie if....?

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My hubbie is moving back to Austrlia in June and I'm not sure if I want to go with him. I keep hearing that Aus is a racist country and me being black would rather not live there. This could make or break our 3 years of marriage. Has anyone had a negative experience there or is it all hogwash?




  1. go there, try it and if you don't like it come back.

  2. i don't think many of us are racist But like all countries some are

    the thing i cant stand is people from other country's who make no effort to speak English or fit in with the way of life here or are smartasses

  3. It's probably the least racist country in the world - I don't know where these rumours come from.

  4. I have also heard that Australia is a racist country, even "the most racist in the world".

    That is rubbish! There is racism, but mostly coming from complacent stupidity rather than aggression.

    You will find people from all around the world in the big cities. A small country town could be different.

    Proviso however: my skin colour is the same as the majority of Australians, so I cannot really speak from experience. But I have lived in (and visited) several countries around the world and I think you'll find Australia quite welcoming. And I read around - there are always places like Japan and Russia where people would find out what real racism is like of course.

    In conclusion: not something to get immediately divorced over!

  5. I don't think we are racist.  We have many different nationalities and cultures all living together perfectly fine.  Like any other country we have fools who think they are better than everyone else but they are generally few and far between.

  6. Please come! There is a tiny minority who are racist, but I think there would be fewer than in most countries. Australians tend to take people as they find them and if you approach new acquaintances in an open and friendly manner, you won't have any problems. I don't think you will need recourse to them, but we have very strict and firmly enforced laws against any form of racism or discrimination.

  7. Australians are generally only racist when it comes to the traditional owners of our country - the Indigenous Australians (Aboriginals). As long as you weren't here before us, no problem!

  8. it's hogwash. the northern territory is very multicultural and we don't judge people on colour.

  9. I'm Aussie and i can tell you for a fact that we are a very multicultural country...just like any country there are racist people but id say its worse in America then it is down here... you have nothing to be worried about Hun and u will love it here once u settle in and get use to not say we dont have racist people im just saying its not as bad as you have white and i love black people i have a few African American friends and i dont care what color they are... i love em to bits no matter what. u will feel very welcomed here

  10. I won't give you a fluffy answer (because I'm Australian). There is racism in Australia, no doubt. But for the most part, people just get on with their lives. If you are getting on with your life and not interfering in other peoples' lives, then there shouldn't be a problem. Tabloid media often fuels racism.

    The only advice I can give is "give it a go". I hope you have a great time in Oz.

  11. Not at all. They're not all racist.

    Move there if you are frightened of racism.

    However; if it has another reasons, stop and think about them.

    Good Luck Hunnibunch (:

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