
Should I move to Brisbane?

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Basically been offered 6-18 months work in Brisbane - only problem is it is very far away (from Dublin) and I have family, friends and girlfriend.

Plus if i go now, can I come back with this impending recession?




  1. Take this opportunity while you can, Australia is a great place and I would reccomend it 100%.

    Having travelled a lot I would say you will always regret NOT taking the opportunity.

  2. it  will  be  an  experience  of  a  life-time...   You'll  love  it  so  much,  as  for  the   impending  recession,  no  comment.

    You  might  not  get  a  similar  chance  in  the  future.

  3. yes go

  4. I would take this opportunity with both hands! think of the chance you have of broadening your horizons! plus eighteen months will fly by so quickly for you, and I can see you coming back to stay permanently! You'll love it! Have a great day.

  5. You don't need our advice wether to go or not.

    Get yourself away and have a great time

  6. Brisbane is a lovely city situated on the banks of the river in Queensland Australia. Depending on your visa status even you can take your family and defacto girl friend along with you.

  7. Come over to OZ you can't go wrong.

  8. What a great opportunity. I know you may feel torn, just as my children did, but I now have one in England and one in Abu Dhabi.

    I would love to have them here with all of us, but if they didn't take the chance when they could, they may regret it for the rest of their lives. They will learn so much and do, and are doing, all kinds of things that they would otherwise miss out on.

    They visit, we hope to visit them... a whole new world opens up. Come to Brisbane by all means, you will love it... beautiful weather, great scenery...lots to do and completely different to Ireland. Here I am, longing to go to Ireland... I have family there  and belong to Irish research groups. You won't feel alone in Brisbane, we have lots if Irish here and probably almost as many Irish pubs as you do!

    Bring your girlfriend if you can, come here and get onto Skype and get yourself a webcam and you will be able to chat free to your family when ever you want to. the time will pass quickly, we are a very friendly bunch, and think how good it will look on your resume!

  9. Sounds like you are justifying not wanting to go. If in doubt don't. What a great opportunity tho.

  10. If you qualify for a work visa, it will be the experience of a lifetime and you should do it.

    It is a very long way from Dublin, but it's a fantastic place and I'm sure you'll love it. If you've been living with your girlfriend for 12 months or more, you'll be able to bring her too if you (and of course, she, wish). You wouldn't be able to bring your family though, but they would probably love to come and visit while you're here.

    I don't really understand your question about coming back with the impending recession. Do you mean, can you come back to Australia a second time if the Irish economy goes into recession? If so, there's no real reason why not, but you would still need to qualify under our strict immigration laws.

    A very wise person once said that on their deathbed, no one regrets the thing they did - they only regret the things they didn't do!

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