
Should I move to Chicago, IL ?

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I lived in Indonesia for 16 years before my family and I moved to California. I'm 26 now and I'm fed up with Los Angeles' traffic, numerous pot holes on the streets AND the 101 freeway, aspiring actress/actors at Trader Joes and restaurants, hipsters, hipster haters who are hipsters themselves, people who voted for Obama and later complained about Obama, and the non-existing winter season. I recently visited Chicago, IL and fell in love with it.

I've been to San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Portland, big cities in Asia like Seoul and Hong Kong, I very briefly lived in Brisbane and Sydney, Australia and never a city had that much impact on me like Chicago did.

Given the things I don't like about Los Angeles, should I move to Chicago, IL or do the things I don't like exists there too and will I dislike it too eventually?




  1. Well some of the things that you mentioned about Los Angeles that you disliked you will find in Chicago as well (and most any big city for that matter). We have bad traffic (not as bad as L.A. but at rush hour it can be pretty bad on certain express ways.) Example: I had an interview at a company that was 45 minutes away from me scheduled for 9:30 am. I left my house at 8am and was 30 minutes late - getting there at 10:00am (total commute time of 2 hours). We also have numerous potholes. So plan on driving fairly slowly.

    Personally I prefer the suburbs of Chicago because there's still some pretty decent things to do for recreation, it's not as crowded, you can drive more than 30 miles per hour on most streets, it usually only takes about 15 minutes to get anywhere you need to go, while in the city it takes more like 30 minutes to 1 hour to get most places that would only take 15-20 minutes in the suburbs. (Plus the streets are smoother). Plus you can take the Metra Train from the suburbs and get to downtown in an hour or less. I live IN Chicago and it takes me an hour or more to get downtown riding the bus.

    What was it about Chicago that had such an impact on you? It seems like you WANT to experience cold so I will say that you'll definitely experience it here. Be prepared for below zero weather in winter.

    The only things I can tell you would be tough are some of the same things you mentioned disliking about LA - traffic, crime, and pot holes.  A lot of people also get tired of winter because it lasts 7+ months of the year. I'd say since you seemed to like it so much when you visited that yes you may like it here. Just have a job lined up first (if possible) or enough money to get you through at least 6 months because finding a job will probably be the most difficult task.

    Just keep in mind, visiting Chicago and living here are not the same. When you visit you are most likely here strickly for recreation. When you live here you're busy working (or trying to find work), going to school, getting stuck in traffic, trying to get your car out of the snow while tightly parrallell parked, etc. And occasionally you'll go out to eat, go shopping, or visit a museum.

  2. Um, the streets of the city of Chicago was rated for being the worst in the country for potholes. The potholes were created because of a lot of salting on the roads during the heavy winters. The traffic in the Chicago area is as worst as in any other big city especially in rush hours during the weekdays. "Non-existing winter"? What the heck are you talking about? When exactly were you in Chicago? It was massively snowing in Chicago last winter and it'll probably be again this winter. It was massively snowing throughout the upper Mid-West States, New England states, and Canada last year. There's some treehuggers out there (probably from warm California) still think that "global warming" is happening. The sales taxes in the city are pretty high (around 10.5%) because of our corrupt politicians. As for living in Chicago, if you are a young and single professional with no kids, or you're a married professional with no kids the city would be good for you. Check out this thread

  3. traffic is just as bad, but it gets cold and snowy there, unlike LA.

  4. Live outside of Chicago. I love Chicago but I hate it too. The surrounding northern suburbs are nice, but if you hate traffic and HIGH TAXES, Chicago isn't your place. Living on the outskirts gives you the pleasure of visiting and the comfort of escaping. I live about 15 miles from downtown and can go into downtown by train or drive in and after work or school or visiting, I can escape into a quiet city with no problem.

    If you like the nightlife, status of an expensive condo or apartment, South Loop has some great availabilities. Some of the greatest parks (Millennium, Grant Park, are some) and the best museums. Chicagoans are nice too, unlike some of those New Yorkers...

    But, I reiterate, move to an adjacent suburb or county, Cook county's taxes have gone up (especially in Chicago) and I see no end to it.

  5. Of all the cities you mentioned I think Seoul is the closest in regards to climate.  We do have 4 seasons although Spring and Fall are relatively short.  Winter can be very cold while Summer can be hot and humid.

    Chgo offers much to enjoy and/or use.  We have a beautiful lake that can be used for a variety of activities and for drinking...filtered and purified of course.

    This is a "Culture Center"...there are 53 museums and other cultural sites to keep you busy on rainy days and a fairly good park system for the sunny ones.  There are several universities, research facilities, entertainment venues for the arts, and sport activities to both watch and/or participate...even polo.

    Transportation is not that difficult whether driving or using public transportation.  Several interstate highways intersect here and a network of trains have been established for over a century.  We have 2 airports for connections to the rest of the world.

    Another culture plus is the diversity of the people who live here.  Most nations are represented here. Some people come to visit but most come for work.  With them comes the food.  Restaurants with food from all parts of the world are in the neighborhoods and downtown.

  6. I'd go to Chicago for Wrigley Field and the Cubs.  I think Chicago traffic is much better the LA traffic, but I don't know how much these big cities differ from each other.  But actor wannabes shouldn't be in the Windy City...there's not much film industry.  Remember Chicago has winter.  

  7. i say go for it!!

  8. I've lived in both, but prefer LA. Chicago is a bit less expensive, and certain neigborhoods have an "artsy fartsy" big-city feel, particularly River North. Winter can really be really miserable, though.If you go, expect more "neigborhood" feel in Chicago proper. In the suburbs, more like LA region (Spread out and not too different from any other suburbia.) One advantage, if you live in the city, a car is more trouble than it's worth... no parking, traffic. Public transport in Chicago is much, much better and a car is unnecessary if you live in town. It really sucks waiting for the "el" in the snow.

  9. In that case move back to Indonesia,because Chicago has some of the worst traffic jams in the nation,Rush Hour was invented in Chicago,ILL.

  10. Traffic in Chicago is bad, taxes are terrible 11% thanks to Todd Stroger, potholes are the worst in the country and if your on the north side you have a bunch of wanna be celebs just like in cali, that and trust fund cub fans. Chicago isn't a bad city to live in tho

  11. i think Chicago is a classy City.

    it has all the seasons. and celebrity life isnt that bulgar here.

  12. you have to look deep into what makes you happy, and what made you happy when you visited Chicago.  If it has a lot of the features you are searching for, and it gives you easy access to the ones that you will need but are not there, then go ahead and move.  I had to move back from Florida to NY simply because i could not stand being away from my family and the visiting for the holidays were not enough.  Here, a co-worker is moving back to LA because she says she feels too lonely, which surprised me because she has a very active social life.  So think about it, and wight your options, so that you can decide what is best. Good luck!

  13. I live in chicago, and would not want to be anywhere else. I love it =)

  14. I think you will dislike Chicago eventually to. Traffic is horrible and the winters are to cold.

  15. This might help you understand:

    The bottom line: If you like cold weather, you will like Chicago. If you don't like cold weather, you will hate Chicago. The good thing is it is only cold for 3-4 months a year.  

  16. Yes, it's awesome here!

    You'll like it.

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