
Should I move to Ireland or stay home?

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Please let me know your opinions.

I signed up online to be an aupair (nanny) and have found a family in Ireland I really like. It would be for 1 year. I would have to pay for my flights and would only get pocket money each week. I would work 9-5 every day, weekends/evenings off.

What I would miss at home during this year would be...making my loan payments for school, being able to buy a new car for teachers college the following year, and I would miss the birth of my niece/nephew in Oct.

What would you do? I really want to go and live in Ireland to really get a feel for their culture and the adventure of living abroad. This is my only chance to do it as I have a year off from school. I'm worried about the things I will miss and whether or not I will regret having to buy a used car instead of a new one, and that I missed my niece/nephew being born.




  1. "pocket money" ....."only chance", those words don't sound good. Don't rush into this. There is always another chance.

    Give it a while, see how it pans out. Don't rush.

  2. Only you can decide.  Make a list of the pros and cons, all that you can think of, and then decide.  My only comments would be that you are young only once, that such opportunities may not come along again, and it is often better to buy a used car rather than a new one anyway.  The student loan will still be there, and in the overall scheme of things it would not be a deciding factor for me.  It is only the family issue that would be of any significance, so that is the one you need to think about.  Also, do you know how much the "pocket money" will be?  That is also a consideration.  Best of luck, whatever you decide.

  3. I'm an American who has lived 4 years abroad as a teacher.  Upon my return I thought will my skills sets I could easily find professional employment so I bought a car thinking it was something I needed to get to and from work.  But the jobs I've been able to find have been $8-$10 per hour, so naturally thanks to my car I'm in even more debt than I had to begin with from the car payments and car insurance bills.  Now I'm faced with the choice of declaring bankruptcy and ruining my credit which went from PERFECT to Good, OR leaving the U.S. and never returning becasue it seems teaching internationally is the only thing I capable of doing, and having my rates sky rocket because of late payments since I will be paid monthly.  I can never come back because what reputable company would want to hire someone with poor credit history?  Choose wisely because even though it's an amazing experience, it's a very addictive experience.  Think about how it will help you professionally in your home country, because you'll have to list that work experience on your resume or face the one year gap...If it won't help you achieve your long term (10 years from now ) goals DO NOT DO IT!!!

  4. Hi Sandra M

    Make sure you are getting what you should get as an au pair. We were going to get an au pair SOME TIME BACK. Your entitled to a little more than pocket money and you will need it as Ireland is very expensive. IN TERMS OF CULTURE, IT IS THERE BUT IT IS MORE ABOUT MONEY AND DRINKING TO BE HONEST. ALSO IT VERY MUCH DEPENDS ON WHERE IN iRELAND YOU WILL BE BASED AS TO WHETHER YOU WILL GET MUCH CULTURE? Also they should really reimburse you for your flights once you stay with them. Just be careful as Irish people are not as friendly as they use to be and will take advantage  in many cases.

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