
Should I move to Sydney?

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Hey, I am 18, I have just finished my A-levels and I have been thinking about moving to Sydney for a while now. I work at a Marriott hotel so it would be fairly easy to transfer to a hotel in Sydney and in a 2 months I will qualify for a visa. I currently live in Bradford, England so things can't get much worse lol. Anyway, I was wondering whether Sydney would be worth moving to or not. Is it all it's cracked up to be?




  1. Sydney is definitely worth moving to - especially because you are young and able to make the most of the experience.  But I would live anywhere rather than Bradistan.

  2. Sydney is a great city as long as you can accept that we don't always do things the British way.

    You might also find that it's a tad warmer than Bradford, especially in summer. I have a good friend who grew up in Bradford and he loves it in Oz. Good luck.

  3. Go for it, mate!

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