
Should I name my baby Mello?

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I am 7 months pregnant and I just found out it was a boy, and I really like the name Mello. His full name would be Mello Mihael Keehl. Is it a good name? I wanted something original.




  1. That's kind of an open invitation for a chance to make fun.

    Think Mello Yellow.

    It is a cute name though.

  2. would make a better middle name than a first name...looks better in between Mihael and Keehl

  3. if its yellow let MELLO if its brown flush it down  lol      just joking    dont do it he'll ressent you

  4. no yellow mello

  5. I don't like that name..

    I wouldn't dare to do you know how much that kid would be tortured at school? Not to be mean or anything. If you wanna go with something uniqe, please NOT that.

  6. um..maybe but that as his middle name i dont hink he will like that as he grows up but who knos? Maybe anme him Mike Mello Keehl

  7. sorry but i dnt think its a good name.think about the child when he's older and kids making fun of his name.but in the end it's ur chois

  8. Name him Sufjan

    (pronounced Soof-yan)

    or Jens

    (Pronounced Yens)

    But everybody would call your boy Mellow-yellow and I think it would turn into a joke.

  9. If you like the name, that's all that matters. :) Don't worry about what others think. Everyone has different opinions.

  10. use a w at the end of mello (so like mellow) bcuz then it wont seem like jello.

  11. Mello, Jello, Marshmallow.

    Way to get your kid teased for a minimum of 14 years.

  12. someone after a Death Note character? Oh God. Anime geeks are taking over the world... the poor kid would be bullied for life. Imagine being named 'Ash Ketchum' or 'Naruto Uzumaki'...

  13. i don't think so, you really have to think about your what your kid will think.  whoever said the only thing that matters is what you think is seriously delirious. this is another life you are responsible for. don't ruin it before it starts. :( it reminds me of marshmallow and kids are extremely unkind in the grade-school years.

    there is a way to go for unique without going for years of therapy.

    my name is darianne. it's different and i like it :) so i would suggest (not that it matters in the end because he is your child not mine) picking a name that still makes your kid different but a name that he can love. :)

    i love the middle and last name though :) i've never heard of keehl. it's a good last name:)

  14. I think it sounds cute, but he'd be prone to teasing...I think I'd give him a different first name that starts with "M", then you could always use Mello as a nickname :)

  15. No!  Please!!  Your poor son will be teased for his entire life.  What about Mihael Mello Keehl, that way, he doesn't have to share his middle name if he doesn't want to.

  16. I personally hate that name!

  17. Of course you can . Good name  

  18. At first I thought, "what a cute name" - then I read it was a boy.  It sounds a little feminine to me, and unfortunately if he is a stocky boy it could be changed to marshmello (definitely not good).  One of my favourite names for boys is Errol - haven't heard it around much.

  19. nice name... but he might be joked as mello yellow (soda pop) in the future

  20. no

    call him frostbalde, power shoveller or mitboy

    call her shavedown , pussygalor or modanno

  21. There are a lot of things you have to think about when choosing a name for you baby. Will their initials make a word that could lead to them being teased e.g. David Oliver Gray = D.O.G or Thomas William Atkin = T.W.Atkin. You also have to think about how childish children can be and whether the name you give them could be turned into a horrible nickname or something to tease the child e.g. Nash = Nash potato or mash potato; or Charity = Your a charity case.

    Think very carefully before you decide a name because children and adults can be very nasty sometimes and you don't want your child blaming you for them getting bullied.

  22. No, at least make one of his names classic, Mello for a girl may be cute (although she'll still be teased) try looking up words in different languages ( Since I'm german and hispanic, I'd look up words in german and spanish), those tend to be more original and classy instead of trashy.

  23. ewww, sorry but I hate that name. It reminds me of Jello lol. That isn't original, unless your not from America lol, no offense!

    answer mine please:;...

  24. i dont know about mello how about ... hyper hahah

  25. i like the name its cool. but i'd name him mihael keehl and just call him mello. ooh and maybe he'll have a super brain like the mello off of deathnote

  26. I guess it could be an alright name.

    The only reason i got put of was because my cat is called mello,(short for caramello)lol

    But its up to you hun its your baby!

    Its not a bad name tho...its kind of like nicole richie babies name harlow

    congrats on baby

  27. WHOA. Is this name inspired from Death Note?

    AWESOME! You should totally go for it.

  28. Here's some origanl names without the jokes that may come from the name Mello.












  29. no please dont i can hear the little kid getting picked on rite now but the middle name is very unique

  30. no, i can just imagine mello jello

  31. haha great joke. but i'll play along now...

    OMG WHAT THE HELLZ ARE U THINKING?!? This name reminds me of a psycho killer high on Mello Yello.

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