
Should I neuter my bun?

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I just adopted a 4 year old rabbit from a friend that no longer wanted to care for him. Clearly, this rabbit is not neutered. This rabbit is my one and only and it will remain this way, so I'm not worried about him making more bunnies.

Would it be a good idea to get him neutered, even though I do not have any other rabbits? Is the rabbit too old to take the risk of surgery? If not, should I get him neutered? Despite his age, would it even be necessary to get him neutered? If I do get him neutered, what sort of advantages would there be for him? Also - my rabbit is litter-trained, but leaves droppings around his play-pen to mark. If I have him neutered, will he stop this habit?

I haven't talked with the vet about this just yet, I've only had the rabbit since Wednesday, and the vet's office is closed atm.

Thank you!




  1. Hey

    well as he gets older there is more risks so it might be more expensive also some vets won't do it at that age, you'll have to talk with your vet. Sometimes it can be hard to find a good rabbit vet. Ask your vet have they neuteured many rabbits before and what kind of mortality rate does he have.

    Neuteuring should stop the stray poops as he is marking his territory and they don't do that when neuteured. It also stops the chin rubbing and worst of all is the spraying pee everywhere! That will also stop when neuteured and the smell of the urine gets less. They also are more calm and easier to handle.

    Talk with your vet about what I said and see what his advice is. Good luck!

  2. I spay/neuter everything. I just feel it's a responsible thing to do. It eliminates any chance of it ever reproducing and in these times, Lord knows we don't need more animals of any kind until population control is achieved. My friend has a neutered bunny. She did it to get a handle on aggression her guy was showing towards her cats. Cute bunny!  I found this info for you on desexing rabbits. Maybe it will help.

  3. if its old dont but if its young ok  

  4. At four years old, his personality and litter habits are pretty much set. I doubt neutering will impact either at this point.

    People will tell you there are health benefits, but the studies done on cancer in unaltered rabbits are done by a very NARROW sampling of rabbits, and from what I've seen only mention uterine cancer in females-nothing about cancer in male rabbits. I've known well over a hundred old bucks who have never shown any evidence of cancer.

  5. If the vet doesn't think the rabbit is too old for surgery then it would definitely be worth while to have him neutered.

    Neutering your rabbit has a lot of benefits. It can potentially prolong their lifespan, it can prevent tumours or other such genital complications. It can stop any territorial behaviour and calm their temprements.

    Most male rabbits mark their territory by spraying, leaving the droppings around could just be an accident, perhaps he never quite got the hang of getting to the litter tray for that every time. However, you could well find that it stops after he has been neutered, but that would be something you wouldn't really know until after the operation.

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