
Should I not have had my child?

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I see lots of questions from young girls who want babies and, quite rightly, people give them reasons not to, as some of these girls aren't even teenagers yet.

But, I've seen a lot of people who give the reason 'NO, you can't even drive yet!'. Since when did the ability to drive determine whether or not you should have a child, or how good your parenting abilities will be? Lol.

I have a 10 year old and have never taken a driving lesson in my life and have no plans to ever learn. I could possibly see their point if they were talking about someone who lived in a very rural, isolated area, but the people they were answering have never stated where they lived.




  1. I think people say those things trying to get through to young girls how silly they are to be having s*x and trying to be an adult when they're still kids, and should be out having fun as kids.

    Although I don't agree with kids having s*x and getting themselves pregnant, I do know a few young mums who are actually more responsible for their kids them some who are in their 20s and supposedly an adult.  

  2. Let's forget the too young to be driving part for a moment. Basically they are trying to tell you to wait until you have finished school & you are emotionally, financially, and physically ready to bring another human being into the world.....It's not even that really..why would you want to be a mother before you have lived abit of your own life & had fun? You DON'T need to become a mother as soon as you get your period you know?...thats just hormones messing with your logic.

  3. you don't need to drive to be a good parent

  4. I think the general point is that children HAVE to be transported.  They have to go to the doctor, they have to go to the dentist, you have to be able to go to the store to get diapers and groceries, etc.  If you live in an urban area with a good public transportation system then maybe that isn't an issue.  I live in a suburb, there are no buses and taxis around here.  I have to have a car.  What about an emergency?  Plus, to drive you have to be 16 (which is still to young to be fornicating).  I think it's just another point people make, not realizing that it had to be explained.

  5. of course you did the right thing

    dont regret it


    you dont necessarily have to drive to have a kid

  6. I had my first child at 20 and it was difficult but I had to grow up very fast.  Quite frankly I have also seen women having their first child in their 30s and not having a clue what to do with them.  I'll admit its in the minority.

    My point is this is not the place to judge another person's character or abilities.  Anybody who posts questions regarding such personal matters is leaving themselves open to ridicule.  Its very easy to post a fuelled answer anonymously without realising how much it will hurt the recipient.

    If faced with a massive decision, talk to a professional in person or somebody in a position of trust and friendship that can help you with your decision based on your character.  

    When we read that a 15 year old is wondering if she wants to keep a baby or not, everybody cringes but it is not a personal attack, its just a natural response. Babies are precious and parenting is a tough job!

  7. The main point behind that is that when babies are born they have to be transported back and forth to the drs office. It's better to be able to drive you and your baby rather than depend on someone else wether it be a husband, friend, or family member!

  8. mrs.blasor is an idiot,lol.  

  9. Seeing that you already have a child, it's a little too late to be asking that question, don't you think?

  10. i think everyone is trying to tell teenagers that being pregnant and having a baby is no walk in the park i had a child when i was 16 and found i had to grow up relay quick

  11. pleeeaassee do not listen to these people! driving has nothing to do with a precious thing like a baby! u should be extrememly proud of your child and who cares if you cant drive my grand mother is 92 with 4 kids and she has never drove lol. dont worry about it

    take care


  12. It's just way to make their point clear by emphasising the fact of just how young they are.

  13. They're just trying to emphasise how young the person is, they don't ACTUALLY MEAN that just cause you can't drive, you shouldn't have a baby, cause that would just be silly wouldn't it'?

  14. Think they just reffering to ages.  

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