
Should I not have told him loved him? ?

by  |  earlier

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Me and this guy were great friends (we liked each other) but we got into tons of arguments and had a falling out, then we made up and fought again. Now we aren't talking at all. I've been sending him emails, which he one I told him that I loved him. He ignored that too

Was that a mistake? I mean, who doesn't like to be loved, though?




  1. If you meant it, there's no reason you shouldn't have told him. If he's a jerk about it, it's his loss. But I wouldn't let that stop you from saying it to anyone else in the future - I think if you love someone, you oughtta tell them so :)

  2. Do stop worrying, you told him what was in your heart, why should you have held back? If he cant accept you for who you are and what you really feel, he's not worth the effort. Dont ever question your feelings, i am like you myself, i say exactly what i think, i wear my heart on my sleeve (as the saying goes). But i will say that it sounds one sided though, with you doing all the chasing at the moment. Why dont you try and ignore him just for a while to see what he does?,, take care and good luck...

  3. Just wait..maybe he didn't see those emails.

    Or maybe he saw the one that you said in, that you loved him but just decided to think about it..or maybe he thought you're just saying that in order to win him back.

    Maybe he found someone new..I dunno

    Just give him some space. Guys need that all the time.

    Everything will be ok in the end, hopefully.

  4. Tough one as there are two sides to this yes being honest is good as always but now he may feel pressure on as he knows how u feel and doesnt want to hurt you, or needs time to accept this new situation.

    I can only say what I would do so please only take this as advice if you love him then give him time and accept that he may need time think of him as a bit of sqijjy jam in ur hand (yes this sounds crazY but follow it through ok) now u leave it there in your hand and it will stay there but if you sqish ur fists then it will all squidg out.

    So by putting too much pressure on it right now might not be good. Accpet that both people must want a relationship he may not want it right now, so give him time. Maybe a message saying just a chat would be cool, then theres no pressure and u can see how things are?

    All the Best


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