
Should I not let my kids sleep in the same bed?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is almost 6 and my son is 4. They share a room and start off in their own beds, but when I check on them, they've moved to one bed.




  1. Well it might be ok for a bit longer, but you had better start working on getting them in separate beds as they will soon need separate rooms.

  2. Its Ok they r not gonna do smtt bad but if u r having prob then keep a look at them..They will understand..

  3. im 13 and my sister still climbs into bed with me sometimes. its not wierd, she is just scared to sleep by herself. they are 6 & 4, its not like their having s*x or anything

  4. why not?!

    unless your worried about something!

    they  probably get scared at night and preffer to sleep together.I tuck my daughter in at night in her bad and she wakes up in my bed!

    ; ]

  5. If there is nothing they are doing wrong then what can it hurt?

  6. I know lots of people who let their kids do it. I, however, think that they should learn to sleep on their own. They won't always have each other and need to be able to sleep alone. I think your first move would be to move them into their own bedrooms. In Hawaii it is against the law to have children older than 3 who are opposite s*x to share the same bedroom.

  7. There's nothing wrong with it.  They are young siblings, it's just for comfort.  I used to sleep walk and ended up in my sister's bed, which was in another room, many times.  It won't continue for too many years because, if they have single size beds, they'll grow too big.

    Many families all over the world share one room homes with all of them, Grandparents too, in the one bed.

  8. Maybe they are just close and feel more secure together or is there something bad going on?

  9. I don’t believe that kids should be sleeping in the same bed. It’s not should try to arrnge different room for them.

  10. my daugther is 8 and my son is 4 and sometimes they still share the same bed. I think there is nothing wrong about it. It kinda build up their sister brother relationship.

  11. I can't see how it would be a problem, honestly. They're too young for anything to "happen" and it's part of sibling bonding - If you think of your kids as puppies, you'll see that it makes perfect sense. lol...

    I mean, really, what's better? That a kid grows up hugging a teddy bear all night, or that he has his big sister to help if scary dreams come in the night?

    I think that if you try to force them away, you'll end up with a kid who wets the bed or something, and possibly, down the road, little adults who are afraid of intimacy and unsure of themselves in their own skin.

    Really, you know what's happening? You tuck them in, and then one sneaks out and goes over and they play for another half hour or so until they pass out. My little sis and I used to do that all the time.

  12. What exactly are you afraid of?

  13. their kids, siblings, let them sleep in the same bed, not until puberty starts

  14. morally speaking its fine, they are close and one is probably scared and climbs in with the other, i was 2 years older then my brother and we had separate rooms and guess where i was every morning.

    is there a night light in the room? maybe putting the beds right next to each other with maybe a 1 foot of space in between would help, if your concerned with them sleeping together...every week move the beds an inch or 2 further away.....maybe this will help

  15. Time for them to have their own rooms.

  16. My brother and I shared a bed, by choice, until I was about 8, and he was about 6. We just knew when it was time to sleep apart, it just happened naturally. We've always been very close.

  17. yes is bad your daughter is a girl should sleep with girls and boys by them selfs cant sleep together.

  18. Thats cute. That shows they need each other. I would want to start to seperate them if they are boy and girl. its realy not a problem, but if others found out you can get in big trouble. CPS is a pain in the butt to deal with, even if its all in the family. I let my sons sleep naked in the summer, i got  CPS on me like stink on a skunk. By the way, they are twin 3 yr olds. Any ways, as long as it stays in the house, i think  its very cute. Good luck.

  19. No i think that's sweet that they are so close, they're only babies, once they're older they'll want to be independent from one another, so let them be close now!

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