
Should I notify my insurrance about my accident?

by  |  earlier

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I just had an accident. My car does not have any scratch, but the other's car. That person said that she will not report to the insurrance. She said that she will check her car to see how much it cost for the damage.

Just a very little bent on her car's side by touching to my bumper.

My question is:

1. Should I notify my inssurance?

2. Should I notify my inssurance while that person say that she will not report to the insurrance?

3. If I notify my insurrance, and that person will not report the accident to the insurrance, will my insurrance payment go up?




  1. 1.  If she was in the car when it was hit, yes.

    2.  If she was in the car when it was hit, yes.

    3.  If there's no claim, and you don't give them any contact info for her, your insurance won't go up.  You can tell them she has no damage, and this claim is a "notice only" claim.   You can say you didn't get her info, and don't know who she is, but you wanted to put in the notice for a no damage claim.  Just in case she comes back with major back injuries.

  2. maybe you better an tell them everything that happened then if she changes her mind and reports it you will be safe.

  3. Always Notify your insurance company.  You bought insurance for protection, let them protect you.  People often say they won't submit a claim, then change their mind because they find more damage or they find they have an injury that they didn't know about at the scene of the accident.   If nothing ever comes of it, fine, no harm done.  Please don't be foolish and not report accidents simply because your rates  M A Y  go up.

    Always call the police, always notify your insurance company.... ALWAYS!

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