
Should I open a can of whoop-as@ on those McEmployees or sure them for the mental torment they put me through?

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I ordered a 20-piece nugget the other day and they told me they were a nugget short and asked me if I was ok with a chicken select replacing one of those nuggets and I said yes and expected 19 nuggets and a chicken select. Porblem is though, is that as I counted my nuggets with the chicken select, it was 20 nuggets all along in addition to the chicken select so I got 20 nuggets with a select when yet they had me believe I was getting the correct amount of 19 nuggets and a select. They screwed with my head and made me confused and wondering why they lied to me. Maybe they were too stupid to count and didn't know they had 20 nuggets to give me all along.

I'm thinking I should go back in there and open a can of whoop-as@ on their McAs@es to teach them a McLesson on how to McCount!

What do you think?




  1. If it had been me serving you, I wouldn't have said anything at all about being one nugget short.  You bonused out.  Stop looking for a fight!

  2. You should have ate two of the McNuggets and went back and been like "You only gave me 18 McNuggets, you promised me the 19!!" and complained until you got another Chicken Select... PLUS another free sauce.

    How does a place like that run out of McNuggets? You should have opened up a can of whoop a$s on them anyway.

  3. seriously. you counted them? what is one nugget? big drama over nothing....

  4. Get a life u loser and learn how to string together a sentence. You are some hypocrite complaining about their education.

  5. What is YOUR problem.  They miscounted and you came out ahead!  Leave them alone and quit trying to pick a fight.  At least they were being honest with their miscount, and didn't try to stiff you one nugget.  Move on and find something worthy of your time to complain about!

  6. not an answer, just a comment

    at least they didnt ask you to please pull over to the side, in which you do, and then watch 3 or 4 other cars get their orders and drive away.

    this cracks me up because my husband said something very similiar to your whoopas@ remark.

    it seems like every time we go there we are asked to "please pull to the side"

    so this just cracked me up!

  7. OH MY GOD, chill out!

    jeeze. and they probably cant "McCount" lol.

    shut the McUp!

  8. That's the dumbest thing I've ever read. Next...

  9. It sounds like it was more like a newer employee who is still learning the ropes.  Relax and try giving them the benefit of the doubt... OR, you can always go in and ask them about it to see if they can help clear things up, if it is bugging you that much.

  10. Hahaha... Well, u could make a big deal outta it if u want some free fast food (they will put u on a list so u can get the same thing for free next time u come thru..)  

    But try not to be too harsh.  It was probably a new employee, or somebody with a learning disability... Either that or you they just simply did not understand u.  IDK...

    It aint worth having a heart attack over (and u will be more prone to one if u keep eating there!  LOL!!!)

  11. I say take the Mcnugget's a chicken select and run.  It's great when they're too stupid to count!  Save the Whoop@** for when they rip you off.  lol  Good Luck!

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